Nouns in Bidayuh Bau


English: A Bidayuh girl's name
Bahasa Malaysia: Nama Bidayuh

aank bori

English: inside a house
Bahasa Malaysia: dalam rumah

Aank Goru’

English: a stream with its source at Mount Goru’ in Krokong
Bahasa Malaysia: Sungai Goru

Aank Minyowan

English: a river in Krokong - the village of Blinggink is located near the place where the Goru’ and the Minyowan rivers meet
Bahasa Malaysia: Sungai Minyowan

Aank Pidie'

English: The Pidie' River - it is the upper tributary of the Sarawak Kanan River. This upper reaches of the Sarawak River like its sister tributary, the Sarawak River Kiri, is a popular recreation destination. It used to be a dying ecosystem but efforts by the authorities to revive the flora and fauna in these watershed areas are slowly revitalising the river system. There are a number of jungle retreats in the area starting from the Silingguos settlement all the way down to the Fairy Caves and the Wind Cave near Bau.
Bahasa Malaysia: Sungai Pidie'


English: a root
Bahasa Malaysia: akar


English: a kitchen
Bahasa Malaysia: dapur


English: clouds
Bahasa Malaysia: awan


English: a name
Bahasa Malaysia: nama


English: a picking pole
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu pemetik


English: a platform - This platform is a raised portion of the wall like a window seat that doubles as a sitting place during the day and a bed at night. The kombant or convertible roof is usually built above it to become a window to allow air to come in and cool the house during the day when you nukunk the kombant or raise it with a piece of wood. At night, the window is lowered to close the window. This kombant is call kombant bak kaa'os.
Bahasa Malaysia: pelantar

akat bujang

English: puberty
Bahasa Malaysia: akil balikh


English: a long wooden pestle - This goes together with a wooden mortar or lisuonk to pound paddy to get rice. It can be done solo, double, or even up to four people each pounding with their aluh at the same time. It makes the work faster.
Bahasa Malaysia: alu


English: a current
Bahasa Malaysia: arus

ambuok bombant

English: a mat made of a reed plant found in swampy areas of Southeast Asia
Bahasa Malaysia: tikar bemban


English: a meal of mixed pork with rice - This meal is eaten as a snack at a ritual ceremony especially if it is carried out far from the house. It is cooked in bamboo for convenience.
Bahasa Malaysia: makanan campuran nasi dan daging yang dimasak dalam buluh


English: liquor
Bahasa Malaysia: arak

arak tondok

English: a moonshine
Bahasa Malaysia: arak buatan sendiri


English: urine
Bahasa Malaysia: air kencing


English: breath
Bahasa Malaysia: nafas


English: smoke
Bahasa Malaysia: asap


English: a spear
Bahasa Malaysia: lembing


English: sour fruits
Bahasa Malaysia: asam

asuomp bowank

English: a wild jungle mango called mangifera pajang
Bahasa Malaysia: asam embang


English: a basket for winnowing
Bahasa Malaysia: nyiru


English: space
Bahasa Malaysia: ruang angkasa


English: a bamboo drip - It is made by splitting a long bamboo into half and each one is used to join with other bamboos to form a long elevated drain to carry water downstream off a creek to a collection point very much like the Roman aqueduct
Bahasa Malaysia: titisan buluh


English: a swing
Bahasa Malaysia: buaian


English: a border
Bahasa Malaysia: sempadan


English: betel nut or areca catechu
Bahasa Malaysia: pinang


English: onions
Bahasa Malaysia: bawang

baank birieh

English: a small onion called shallot
Bahasa Malaysia: bawang merah

baank mopu'

English: a garlic
Bahasa Malaysia: bawang putih


English: a grandfather
Bahasa Malaysia: datuk


English: a mouse
Bahasa Malaysia: tikus


English: a ringworm
Bahasa Malaysia: panau


English: head
Bahasa Malaysia: kepala

bak ka'os

English: back of the house
Bahasa Malaysia: belakang rumah

bak koluob

English: a knee
Bahasa Malaysia: lutut

bala dingan

English: friends
Bahasa Malaysia: sahabat handai

bala madih

English: relatives
Bahasa Malaysia: sanak saudara


English: a farm
Bahasa Malaysia: ladang


English: a gulley
Bahasa Malaysia: parit


English: a buttress root
Bahasa Malaysia: akar penopang


English: a tapioca
Bahasa Malaysia: ubi kayu


English: a mythical river monster
Bahasa Malaysia: hantu sungai


English: shady
Bahasa Malaysia: teduh


English: a river snakehead
Bahasa Malaysia: bujum


English: a ceremonial house, headhouse It is a structure elevated on stilts and shaped like a circle. Traditionally, it is a place of congregation for Bidayuh warriors whereby women and children are forbidden to enter. Fallen enemy warriors' head were often kept in it to protect the village. The baruk also functions as a venue for cultural ceremonies to practice 'Adat Oma' or traditional rituals such as 'Gawia Sowa', to celebrate the annual harvest festival or the Bidayuh new year.
Bahasa Malaysia: Sebuah rumah adat Ianya didirikan di atas tiang-tiang dan berbentuk bulat yang dahulunya digunakan sebagai tempat perhimpunan pahlawan Bidayuh. Kaum wanita dan kanak-kanak tidak dibenarkan masuk. Kepala-kepala musuh disimpan dalam rumah ini sebagai perlindungan dari malapetaka. Baruk juga berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk menjalankan upacara adat lama seperti perayaan Gawai Tahun Baru Bidayuh selepas menuai.


English: a pillow
Bahasa Malaysia: bantal


English: a papaya
Bahasa Malaysia: betek


English: a copper rice scoop
Bahasa Malaysia: penceduk beras buatan tembaga


English: the day after tomorrow
Bahasa Malaysia: lusa


English: a stone or a rock
Bahasa Malaysia: batu

Batuh Sinja

English: The Sinja Rock This is a boulder half way up Mount Sipinggient. The rock is named after a maiden who used to sit on the rock after taking her bath each day to dry her hair in the morning sun and the cool mountain air. After some time, a mountain spirit took notice of her and one day while she was sunbathing as usual, the spirit came down from the mountain top and carried her off never to be seen again. The villagers decided to name the rock Batuh Sinja as a memorial tribute to her. Legend has it that a powerful Bidayuh warrior from Krokong named Sikupit used to fight enemies from this boulder alongside another very strong warrior named Sipangam. A depression resembling a heel mark at one side of the rock and strange markings that look like the surface of the rock at the top has been cut can still be seen today. It was told that, at the sound of approaching enemies, Sikupit jumped onto that rock so hard that his heel made a hole into it. The other markings on top of the rock were reportedly left by him where he used to sharpen his weapons. Some parts of the rock appeared to be cut which according to the legend was done by Sikupit who used the cut pieces of the rock to bombard his enemies down the mountain below him.
Bahasa Malaysia: Batu Sinja


English: Bau town - The district administrative center for the Bau district which has a long colorful history dating back to the Brooke era. Also known as the Gold Town for an obvious reason, it boasts an artificial lake called Tasik Biru which used to be a gold mining pit. Nowadays, the only valuable thing extracted there are the beautiful scenery and the annual Tasik Biru Festival. No swimming is allowed due the high amount of cyanide still present in the water.
Bahasa Malaysia: Pekan Bau


English: a river catfish
Bahasa Malaysia: baung


English: a basin
Bahasa Malaysia: besin


English: lips
Bahasa Malaysia: bibir


English: a monitor lizard
Bahasa Malaysia: biawak


English: Bidi
Bahasa Malaysia: Pekan Bidi


English: a porcupine
Bahasa Malaysia: landak


English: Land Dayak - The word Bidoyoh was originally coined in the Biatah dialect 'Bideyeh' which literally means people of (bi) the land (doyoh) hence the translation of Land Dayak. These people speak a number of major dialects namely the Jagoi, Singgai, and Serembu in Bau, the Biatah and Bianah in Padawan and the Bukar and Sadong in Serian. They used to live in longhouse communities but it is not common anymore. One famous Bidayuh longhouse in Padawan called Anah Rais is a tourist attraction.
Bahasa Malaysia: Bidayuh


English: a tree usually found by riverbanks
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis pokok tang tumbuh di tepian sungai


English: a shrimp paste
Bahasa Malaysia: belacan


English: the people of Jagoi in Bau, Malaysia - This group of Bidayuh people reside mainly in the Bau district. They speak the Jagoi dialect and are found in settlements such as Tongang, Opar, Jugan, Serasot, Duyuoh, Staas, Groguo, Sibuluh, the Suba Buans, and the Krokong areas. They all have common ancestors who were inhabitants of the Bung Bratak settlements of long ago.
Bahasa Malaysia: orang Bidayuh Jagoi


English: a communal bathing place at a river - Rivers are essential in any Bidayuh settlement. They are the main source of water for cooking, drinking and cleaning. The villagers will choose a safe and accessible part of a river bank near the village as a communal bathing place. Children use it as their extended playground.
Bahasa Malaysia: tempat mandi di sungai


English: a thorny plant
Bahasa Malaysia: duri


English: a terappin
Bahasa Malaysia: tuntung


English: money
Bahasa Malaysia: duit


English: a bucket
Bahasa Malaysia: baldi


English: color
Bahasa Malaysia: warna


English: an aeroplane
Bahasa Malaysia: pesawat

bilont botank

English: a Chinook helicopter
Bahasa Malaysia: helikopter


English: a toad
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak

bingon laut

English: seashore
Bahasa Malaysia: pantai


English: seeds
Bahasa Malaysia: biji


English: country or locality
Bahasa Malaysia: daerah


English: a fruit tree
Bahasa Malaysia: pokok buah


English: a paddle
Bahasa Malaysia: pengayuh


English: a fruit tree
Bahasa Malaysia: pokok buah


English: blue or green
Bahasa Malaysia: biru atau hijau


English: the people of Singgai - These Bidayuhs speak the Singgai dialect. This is the only Bidayuh group who used to have a king ruling over them. Some of their major settlements are Apar, Atas, Sudoh and Segong. There are a number tourist attractions in the Singgai area such as the Singgai Plateau, the Association of Research and Development Movement of Singgai (REDEEMS) center and the newly opened Borneo Tribal Village in Apar.
Bahasa Malaysia: Orang Singgai


English: a clouded leopard
Bahasa Malaysia: harimau dahan


English: 1. a star; 2. quite
Bahasa Malaysia: 1. bintang; 2; agak


English: the people of Tongang
Bahasa Malaysia: orang kampung Stengang


English: a shotgun
Bahasa Malaysia: senapang


English: a soft shell turtle
Bahasa Malaysia: labi labi


English: nasal discharge
Bahasa Malaysia: hingus


English: a call
Bahasa Malaysia: panggilan


English: a shirt
Bahasa Malaysia: baju

bojuh tawiek

English: a brassiere
Bahasa Malaysia: coli


English: a creeper
Bahasa Malaysia: akar menjalar


English: a rope
Bahasa Malaysia: tali


English: a walking catfish
Bahasa Malaysia: keli


English: a plant called donax grandis - It's hard skin is used to make mats
Bahasa Malaysia: bemban batu


English: an urn or a large ceramic jar - It is usually used to store water. Another popular use is to ferment wine like the ubiquitous rice wine or tuak of Borneo.
Bahasa Malaysia: tempayan


English: a husband
Bahasa Malaysia: suami


English: bees
Bahasa Malaysia: lebah


English: charcoal
Bahasa Malaysia: arang

boon opui

English: amber
Bahasa Malaysia: bara api


English: bananas
Bahasa Malaysia: pisang


English: rice
Bahasa Malaysia: beras

boras pulut

English: sweet rice
Bahasa Malaysia: beras pulut


English: a house
Bahasa Malaysia: rumah

bori bak jorak

English: a traditional Bidayuh dwelling
Bahasa Malaysia: rumah atap

bori botank

English: a longhouse
Bahasa Malaysia: rumah panjang

bori galank

English: a hut
Bahasa Malaysia: pondok


English: a priestess - Bidayuhs of old would consult a boris to get relief from their ailments. During a gawai or gawia occasion, a group of boris will sit on a swing to sing ritualistic songs to the call the spirits and consult for advice
Bahasa Malaysia: pendeta wanita


English: iron
Bahasa Malaysia: besi


English: dawn
Bahasa Malaysia: awal pagi


English: a log
Bahasa Malaysia: batang


English: an eye
Bahasa Malaysia: mata

botont ondu

English: the Sun
Bahasa Malaysia: matahari


English: a fruit garden where a house or village used to stand but left vacant for future use
Bahasa Malaysia: tembawang


English: a type of tree - Its bark is tough enough to make ropes and when woven together with rattan, they make a very strong mat called a kasah.
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu ringan


English: a crocodile
Bahasa Malaysia: buaya


English: a fruit
Bahasa Malaysia: buah

bua’ lada

English: pepper berries
Bahasa Malaysia: buah lada


English: a coucal bird
Bahasa Malaysia: burung bubut


English: a machete
Bahasa Malaysia: parang


English: a lie
Bahasa Malaysia: tipu


English: the moon
Bahasa Malaysia: bulan


English: bamboo
Bahasa Malaysia: buluh


English: fur or body hair
Bahasa Malaysia: bulu

bulunt kiriet

English: eye lashes
Bahasa Malaysia: bulu mata

Bung Biratak

English: Mount Bratak - It was once a large Bidayuh hill settlement of seven longhouses before the inhabitants were brave enough to venture to other places in Bau. The Bidayuhs of Bau revered this place as a point of their origin. On May 1st every year, Bidayuh people and their friends come from all over to pay homage to this place. It usually takes about half an hour to reach the top from the roadside parking area.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Bratak

Bung Jagoi

English: Mount Jagoi - One of the early Bidayuh settlements was located here.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Jagoi

Bung Muan

English: Mount Muan - It is located in the Peninjau highland areas. It is the location of the Rajah James Brooke's mountain retreat and there is a Rajah Brooke Heritage place situated not far from there. This hilly area is also well-known because of the Wallace Trail which is reported to be the same way the Borneo adventurer, Alfred Russel Wallace, took to study the flora and fauna in the area.
Bahasa Malaysia: Bukit Muan

Bung Tra'an

English: Mount Tra'an
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Tra'an


English: a roof top
Bahasa Malaysia: atap


English: chalk
Bahasa Malaysia: kapur


English: an owl
Bahasa Malaysia: burung hantu


English: hair
Bahasa Malaysia: rambut


English: a coconut
Bahasa Malaysia: kelapa


English: a bear
Bahasa Malaysia: beruang


English: a shrub called dillenia suffruticosa - This shrub has big leaves which are very useful to the Bidayuh community who use them to wrap their rice as pack lunches. The leaves can also be used in many ways such as wrappers, covers, and even roofing materials. The fruits are pink and will attract many animals. The Bidayuhs often use the fruits to trap mousedeers or pilonduk which are found to be very fond of them.
Bahasa Malaysia: simpoh air


English: to drop
Bahasa Malaysia: jatuhkan


English: a branch
Bahasa Malaysia: dahan


English: a chin
Bahasa Malaysia: dagu


English: a man
Bahasa Malaysia: lelaki


English: fallow
Bahasa Malaysia: tanah kosong


English: sweat
Bahasa Malaysia: peluh


English: 1. the people, 2. the Dayak people
Bahasa Malaysia: 1. orang 2. orang Dayak


English: a woman
Bahasa Malaysia: perempuan


English: a stink fruit called durian or durio zibethinus - This fruit is loved by almost all Bidayuhs even though the pungent smell can be over-powering.
Bahasa Malaysia: durian

dient muot

English: a species of the stink fruit durian called durio graveolens
Bahasa Malaysia: durian rimba, durian kuning


English: a friend
Bahasa Malaysia: kawan

dipoh pinganon

English: a python
Bahasa Malaysia: ular sawa

dipoh pinganon to'od

English: a dwarf python (curtus)
Bahasa Malaysia: ular sawa batik


English: tortoise
Bahasa Malaysia: kura kura


English: first
Bahasa Malaysia: dulu


English: a koompassia excelsa tree
Bahasa Malaysia: pokok tapang


English: husk
Bahasa Malaysia: dedak


English: four days after
Bahasa Malaysia: empat hari akan datang


English: a tale
Bahasa Malaysia: dongen


English: lake
Bahasa Malaysia: danau


English: a yard
Bahasa Malaysia: satu ela


English: a mountain
Bahasa Malaysia: gunung

Dorod Bonguh

English: the Bungo Mountain Range
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Benguh

Dorod Kapow

English: Mount Kapow - This is where the famous Fairy Cave of Bau are located. Bidayuh legend in the area has it that the caves were formerly the village of Kapow. The whole place including its human and animal inhabitants were turned into stones by a curse of an angry old woman who found out that the villagers mistreated her grandson who was an orphan. They wrapped some charcoals in a leaf, saying it was grilled meat as a parting gift for his Gawai visit to the village.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Kapor

Dorod Nyi’an

English: Mount Nyian - Located not far from Kupuo' Bijuray.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Nyian

Dorod Orad

English: Mount Orad - This mountain is reported to have been the location of the fortress of Panglima Kurow. Panglima Kulow was a famous Bidayuh warrior who led a group of Bidayuh people to settle on the mountain after their earlier fortress at Bung Bratak was destroyed by marauding enemies. It is now a tourist attraction and many Bidayuhs make a pilgrimage to the mountain summit to visit Panglima Kulow's tomb.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Orad

Dorod Podad

English: A mountain in Krokong - This is the location of the early settlement in the area called Krokong Mountain village not far from the old village of Prasuont.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Podad

Dorod Sipingient

English: a mountain in Krokong - Literally, it means the Plate Mountain or Dorod Sipingient. It is part of a mountain range with Bung Tra’an as its neighboring peak. The original inhabitants of Blinggink came from a settlement built on the steep slopes of this mountain. On one of the slopes lies the Sinja Rock where legend has it that a Bidayuh warrior named Panglima Sukupit stood to defend his village against marauding enemies. The whole mountain area gets regular annual visits from his descendants who come up to collect stink fruits called durians which came from huge trees planted almost a hundred years ago as part of the village’s fruit garden. Fruit gardens like these are called lisont.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Spingient

Dorod Tilambuo'

English: Trambuo Mountain - Located near the village of Staas in Bau.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gunung Trambuo


English: a leaf
Bahasa Malaysia: daun

dowont bo'id

English: a betel leaf
Bahasa Malaysia: daun sirih

dowont kapal

English: a creeper which has a very bitter tasting leaf eaten as a delicacy
Bahasa Malaysia: daun yang pahit

dowont manah

English: a leaf of the phacelophrynium maximum plant - The leaf of this plant is very useful for a Bidayuh. It is used to wrap food of all types.
Bahasa Malaysia: daun kelupis


English: blood
Bahasa Malaysia: darah


English: thunder
Bahasa Malaysia: guntur


English: a flame
Bahasa Malaysia: nyala


English: weed
Bahasa Malaysia: rumput-rampai


English: money
Bahasa Malaysia: wang


English: a green fern
Bahasa Malaysia: paku paku


English: a fig tree
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu ara


English: a fresh water fish called Hampala Macrilepidota
Bahasa Malaysia: sebarau


English: the world
Bahasa Malaysia: dunia


English: a sheath
Bahasa Malaysia: sarong parang


English: two
Bahasa Malaysia: dua


English: An example of Bidayuh man's name
Bahasa Malaysia: Contoh nama orang lelaki Bidayuh


English: a rocky shore usually on a riverside
Bahasa Malaysia: tebing berbatu


English: a beard
Bahasa Malaysia: janggut


English: a throat
Bahasa Malaysia: kerongkong


English: a spirit
Bahasa Malaysia: roh


English: a dress
Bahasa Malaysia: pakaian wanita


English: salt
Bahasa Malaysia: garam


English: a measuring unit
Bahasa Malaysia: gantang


English: a religious ceremony
Bahasa Malaysia: upacara adat

Gawia Olant

English: Ritual which is observed before land is burnt and cleared for planting padi. Here the priestess accompanied by the priests, leads a ritual which drives away the bad spirits.
Bahasa Malaysia: Gawai Jalan

gawia pari’ pu’unt

English: a religious ceremony to celebrate the eating of new rice - This ritual ceremony is usually carried out some time in April right after the harvest is over.
Bahasa Malaysia: gawai makan beras baru

gawia sowa'

English: a Bidayuh new year celebration - The official date falls on June 1st of every year. However, the festivities begin at the end of May and can last until the beginning of July. Some of the activities include traditional and cultural events combined with more contemporary experiences like sports and entertainment. Both locals and tourists are invited to join in the celebration to sample the fun, exotic food and lots of drinks.
Bahasa Malaysia: perayaan tahun baru


English: a glass
Bahasa Malaysia: gelas


English: a fruit
Bahasa Malaysia: buah


English: a frog species
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: a bridge
Bahasa Malaysia: jambatan


English: a saw
Bahasa Malaysia: gergaji


English: a rainbow
Bahasa Malaysia: pelangi


English: a white hair
Bahasa Malaysia: uban


English: empty stalks of paddy
Bahasa Malaysia: tangkai padi yang kosong


English: a lice
Bahasa Malaysia: kutu


English: a rapid
Bahasa Malaysia: jeram


English: a small ceramic jar - It is usually used to store condiments like salt and sugar. It is also used as a pickle jar.
Bahasa Malaysia: buyung


English: a river fish
Bahasa Malaysia: anak semah


English: a drum
Bahasa Malaysia: gendang


English: an embankment
Bahasa Malaysia: tambak


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: a toad
Bahasa Malaysia: katak kodok


English: a creek
Bahasa Malaysia: sungai kecil


English: a gunny sack
Bahasa Malaysia: guni


English: a movement
Bahasa Malaysia: pergerakan


English: a tiny sliver of wood stuck in flesh
Bahasa Malaysia: selumbar


English: rain
Bahasa Malaysia: hujan

ijant tata'

English: rain with sunshine - An old Bidayuh superstitious belief says that if you venture out or get caught in this rain, you will meet a tall ghost, fall ill and die if not treated by the shaman. Another version says that you will get caught in a net set by the tall ghost which usually appears in this type of rainy weather. The effect is the same.
Bahasa Malaysia: hujan panas


English: a fish trap
Bahasa Malaysia: bubu


English: a fence
Bahasa Malaysia: pagar


English: fish
Bahasa Malaysia: ikan


English: a prawn or shrimp
Bahasa Malaysia: undang


English: a nose
Bahasa Malaysia: hidung


English: that
Bahasa Malaysia: itu


English: oil
Bahasa Malaysia: minyak


English: flesh
Bahasa Malaysia: daging


English: a spirit
Bahasa Malaysia: semangat


English: a rattan basket for carrying as a backpack - Unlike the jumbuo’ which is woven nice and tight, the jagar is less ornate for everyday use.
Bahasa Malaysia: tambok rotan kasar


English: a dialect of Bidayuh in Bau
Bahasa Malaysia: dialek Bidayuh di Bau


English: a corn
Bahasa Malaysia: jagung


English: a gill net
Bahasa Malaysia: jaring


English: a guava
Bahasa Malaysia: jambu batu


English: a main beam of a house
Bahasa Malaysia: alang rumah


English: a sarong
Bahasa Malaysia: kain sarong

jawa' bulant

English: moon light
Bahasa Malaysia: sinaran bulan


English: a short fishing line on a pole usually place on riverbank to catch fish overnight
Bahasa Malaysia: pancing tajur


English: a stitch
Bahasa Malaysia: jahitan


English: A Japanese
Bahasa Malaysia: Orang Jepun


English: a tooth
Bahasa Malaysia: gigi


English: measure of house size - One joja will have a roof the length of one aos or approximately six feet.
Bahasa Malaysia: sukatan rumah


English: a piece of land planted with fruit trees or other crops or a name of a tree
Bahasa Malaysia: tanah kebun atau nama pokok


English: big machete
Bahasa Malaysia: parang besar


English: a sarong usually worn like a skirt by womenfolk
Bahasa Malaysia: kain sarong besar untuk wanita


English: a tongue
Bahasa Malaysia: lidah


English: a deer
Bahasa Malaysia: kijang


English: a leguminosae tree called the archidendron jiringa
Bahasa Malaysia: jering


English: rubber
Bahasa Malaysia: getah

jotu’ kipink

English: rubber sheets
Bahasa Malaysia: getah keping


English: a face
Bahasa Malaysia: muka


English: seven
Bahasa Malaysia: tujuh


English: a rattan backpack - /d͡ʒᴜmbᴜɔʔ/ This carrying basket is a familiar Bidayuh weaving which comes in various sizes and patterns. Some are very decorative and only used for important functions or rituals. It is often sold at souvenir in Malaysia.’
Bahasa Malaysia: tambok

jumbuo’ piminie’

English: a small rattan backpack - /d͡ʒᴜmbᴜɔʔ pɪmɪnɪɛʔ/ As its name suggest in Bidayuh, the jumbuo’ is used to carry seeds for planting. Boys also often used it to keep stones for their slingshots.
Bahasa Malaysia: tambok kecil


English: dew
Bahasa Malaysia: embun


English: bubble
Bahasa Malaysia: buih


English: soup
Bahasa Malaysia: sup


English: a big rattan backpack or jumbuo'
Bahasa Malaysia: bakul rotan besar


English: a quarrel
Bahasa Malaysia: kelahi


English: a tropical tree known scientifically as shorea macrophylla - The seeds from the tree contain vegetable fat that can be used to make butter.
Bahasa Malaysia: engkabang


English: a bat
Bahasa Malaysia: kelawar

kada ngiliwat

English: a flying fox
Bahasa Malaysia: keluang


English: a grasshopper
Bahasa Malaysia: belalang

kadis tari

English: a praying mantis
Bahasa Malaysia: mentadak


English: a crow
Bahasa Malaysia: gagak


English: a fruit with flesh like the avocado called litsea garciae vidal
Bahasa Malaysia: engkala


English: a tropical fruit (Garcinia xanthochymus)
Bahasa Malaysia: asam kandis


English: a small squirrel species
Bahasa Malaysia: tupai jenis kecil


English: an ax
Bahasa Malaysia: kapak


English: a ceiba tree which bear fruits that has as silky cotton fibre which locals used as pillow stuffings
Bahasa Malaysia: kekabu


English: a large rattan mat - This mat is usually used to dry paddy or pepper with the rough side up. When it is used as a mat, the smoother side is on the upside. Due to its durable material, the kasah can last many, many years and sometimes passed down as an heirloom to an offspring. It was also used as a casket when the owner died before coffins were common place.
Bahasa Malaysia: tikar kelasah


English: a fermented fish delicacy - Also referred to as kau’ pingolih (for salt water fish), this is a very unique Bau Bidayuh’s dish and no other group of people on planet Earth prepares fish this way. The ingredients include as many fresh water fish as possible to fit in a typical jar or gobuk and preferably bony fish, some sea salt, rice powder and leaves from a thorny plant commonly found in Borneo forests. The fish is treated with ground sea salt to remove excess moisture and unwanted odor. Then, all the salted fish are put into the gobuk. Leaves are put on top of the fish to prevent flies from laying their eggs on them or worms from getting into the meat before sealing the gobuk. Some people use tapioca leaves or poyank leaves but others use a thorny creeper's leaves called bikolamp. After three or four days, the dehydration process to preserve the flesh is complete. The fish is taken out to spread rice powder evenly on and inside the fish. It is then put into a gobuk for the next process which is fermentation. The gobuk for the dehydration and the frementation process is usually sealed with an airtight cover made of layers of buant leaves on top of layers of manah leaves which are then tied shut with strips made of the barks of the boyuh tree. The manah leaves work well to cool the fish and help in the preservation and fermentation processes. Today, it would be a tin cover with a layer of plastic in between to prevent leakage but leaves are still preferred. The fermentation period takes approximately about 30 days and once fermented, the kau’ can be kept for many years. The longer it is preserved the better because even the bones are soft and to Bau Bidayuh, this makes it very delicious to eat. Today kau' is a rare delicacy due to the dwindling supply of suitable freshwater fish which used to populate the many Borneo rivers that are now either too polluted or over-fished.
Bahasa Malaysia: pekasam ikan


English: a lightning bolt
Bahasa Malaysia: kilat


English: rainy season
Bahasa Malaysia: landas


English: a rice storage jar
Bahasa Malaysia: tempayan beras


English: a mynah
Bahasa Malaysia: tiong

kiow toki'

English: a common mynah
Bahasa Malaysia: burung tiong makan tahi


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: an armpit
Bahasa Malaysia: ketiak


English: paper
Bahasa Malaysia: kertas


English: a chair
Bahasa Malaysia: kerusi


English: a glutinuous rice dumpling
Bahasa Malaysia: kuih chang


English: an ape
Bahasa Malaysia: beruk


English: a cough
Bahasa Malaysia: batuk


English: a lump
Bahasa Malaysia: ketulan


English: a sandfly
Bahasa Malaysia: rengit


English: a convertible roof for a window or door of a traditional Bidayuh hut - It is raised like a hatchback door and kept in place with a piece of wood or bamboo during the day and taken down at night.
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis atap yang boleh di angkat untuk dibuka

kombant bak ka’os

English: a convertible roof for the back window of a Bidayuh hut
Bahasa Malaysia: atap mudah tukar untuk tingkap belakang

kombant bukut

English: a convertible roof for the left and right side window of a large size Bidayuh hut
Bahasa Malaysia: atap mudah tukar untuk tinkap kiri dan kanan

kombant tonju’

English: convertible roof for the front door
Bahasa Malaysia: atap mudah tukar untuk pintu depan


English: a goat
Bahasa Malaysia: kambing


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: a tadpole
Bahasa Malaysia: berudu


English: magpie
Bahasa Malaysia: murai


English: a can
Bahasa Malaysia: bekas tin


English: a dog
Bahasa Malaysia: anjing


English: martial art without any weapon
Bahasa Malaysia: silat


English: a piece of wood
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu

koyuh opui

English: firewood
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu api

koyuh pijobat

English: drum sticks - They are used to beat the Bidayuh drum called pijobat.
Bahasa Malaysia: pemukul gendang

koyuh sanang

English: gong sticks - These are used to beat the small gongs called sanang. They are made of the rachis of sago leaves
Bahasa Malaysia: pemukul canang


English: Krokong
Bahasa Malaysia: Pekan Krokong


English: a long-legged frog
Bahasa Malaysia: katak


English: hip
Bahasa Malaysia: punggung


English: An item, usually cloth, spread to collect water flowing from ‘pinginik’ during ‘nyagu’, a process to obtain sago starch from a sago palm. It is made of fine cloth.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kain yang direntang untuk menakung air dari pinginik semasa proses nyagu.


English: a horse
Bahasa Malaysia: kuda

kuda bilitik

English: zebra
Bahasa Malaysia: kuda belang


English: a yam
Bahasa Malaysia: keladi


English: a vegetable
Bahasa Malaysia: sayur


English: a mushroom
Bahasa Malaysia: kulat


English: a nun
Bahasa Malaysia: biarawati


English: a thigh
Bahasa Malaysia: peha


English: a Bidayuh priestess headgear
Bahasa Malaysia: topi


English: a village
Bahasa Malaysia: kampung

Kupuo' Apar

English: a Bidayuh village in the Singgai area of Bau - It is not to be confused with the Jagoi village of Opar.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Apar

Kupuo' Batu Spit

English: the village of Batu Spit in Bau, Malaysia - The village is located a few minutes away from the old bazaar of Krokong on the way from Bau. Halfway between the village and Krokong is a rocky outcrop that has been blasted by bombs to make way for the road but the opening is still narrow. The word narrow in Malay is 'sempit' which the Bidayuhs pronounce as 'supit'. So, when they named the village after this narrow gap, it is called Batu Supit or Spit (in actual speech). The first inhabitants were actually from Piros, an older village closer to Mount Tra’an where the first Bidayuh settlement was located in Krokong.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Batu Spit

Kupuo' Bijongon

English: a bidayuh village in the Krokong area of Bau - It used to be known as Buta' which is also the word for blind but the elders thought of giving it a nicer name based on the words 'jongon' meaning bright and they agreed on Bijongon. The inhabitants are all descendants of people who used to dwell along with their siblings in the original Blinggink village or bowank along the Pidie' River. The village is located on Punggu Buta or Buta Hill not far from the old longhouse. There is very limited space for expansion on top of the hill and as demands for more dwellings increased, a number of families have returned to build their houses near the old longhouse and is now becoming a new village. The primary occupation of the villagers is still farming with many employed by SALCRA but some like their ancestors are good at building houses and would often find employment at construction sites in towns. Their children go to St. Patrick primary school in Krokong and continue their secondary education at Lake secondary school in Bau. These people are predominantly Catholic and they are members of the St. Patrick's Catholic church in Krokong.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Bijongon

Kupuo' Bijuray

English: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong District of Bau - Most of the inhabitants were originally from the hill settlement of Monggag who left it because of road inaccessibility and danger of landslides. They were joined by their relatives from other villages nearby to form this new settlement and like them, they are all descendants of the Bidayuhs from Blinggink. It is called Bijuray because the word translates as 'working together' to show unity and it was officially opened by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. The people are mostly Catholics and Seventh Day Adventists and each have their own church not far from the village. They are predominantly farmers by profession with some working for the oil palm plantation owned by SALCRA. Some have opened up their own business there helping provide employment for their relatives. Their children join their cousins from Kidowont to go to school at SK Pedaun Bawah.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Bijuray

Kupuo' Blinggink

English: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong area of Bau - It is erroneously recorded as Belimbing in official documents. The ancestors of the present day inhabitants came from Bung Bratak in the Jagoi area of Bau and finally built a longhouse along the Pidie' River not far from the present location. After three devastating fires that destroyed their longhouse, many of the people relocated to the site near the meeting of the Goru' and Minyowan rivers. Many families decided on separate dwellings instead of rebuilding a longhouse. As a result, in the 1970's there was only one longhouse which had only three family units in it housing the former headman and his children while surrounded by his people in a number of single family dwellings. Some other families moved further away and built other settlements. Those that remain near the old longhouse built their houses on a hill nearby. Some people claim that the name comes from the word bilingieng (shiny) while another says it is a plant named linggink which used to be in abundance near the riverbank of Pidie' river nearby. Today, the short longhouse of the 1970's has either separated into single family dwellings or their inhabitants moved away to build another settlement. The people are mostly farmers with a few government servants and a handful running their own business. Many are members of the St. Patrick's Catholic church in Krokong while a number of families belong to the Seventh Day Adventist church near the village. There is a surau in the village which serves a few Moslem families there. There are also still quite a number of villagers who want to continue their ancestor's pagan practices and this effort was lead by the former Sarawak assistant minister, the late Dr. Patau Rubis, a Bidayuh from this village. He was the founder and first president of State Reform Party (STAR). Just before his demise, he built a small baruk or head-house in his residence in the village.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Blingging

Kupuo' Bogag

English: a Bidayuh village in the Bau Jagoi area - They were one of the groups that left Tibowang Souh after the old village burnt down to the ground and resettled in this new place.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Bogak

Kupuo' Bokah

English: the Bidayuh village of Bokah in Bau, Malaysia - The word bokah in Bidayuh Jagoi means a creeper
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Bokah

Kupuo' Bowank

English: the village of Bowang in Bau, Malaysia - The name of the village comes from the word 'tibowank' which means a vacant Bidayuh village. Its inhabitants left the settlement to settle in other parts of Bau after it was burnt down not too long ago. A new village that stands there today took the official name of Tembawang Sauh which in Bidayuh is Tibowank Souh or 'burnt old village'.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Tembawang Sauh

Kupuo' Dorod Jagoi

English: Mount Jagoi Village - It was one of the first Bidayuh dwellings in Bau just like Bung Bratak. There is only one inhabitant left in the village which is located not far from the summit of the mountain after most of the inhabitants moved closer to the road in the valley below. It is now a Bidayuh heritage site and the whole mountain area is declared a park where visitors can climb and enjoy the view as well as study the flora and fauna of the region.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Gunung Jagoi

Kupuo' Duyuoh

English: the village of Duyoh in Bau, Malaysia - They were one of the last groups that left Jagoi Dorod village to find a new place to settle. Today the Duyoh village is found at the foot of the southern side of the Jagoi mountain. The entrance of the Bung Jagoi Heritage Center which is located in the old Jagoi Dorod village can be accessed via this village.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Duyoh

Kupuo' Groguo'

English: a Bidayuh village not far from Bau town - Not far from Mount Orad, the villagers are descendants of Panglima Kurow, the famous Bidayuh warrior who left Bung Bratak after it was destroyed by marauding enemies. He used Mount Orad as a shelter until hostilities ceased. His followers built settlements nearby including Groguo’ which is located on a hill like many typical Bidayuh villages of the early years. Today, the village can no longer accomodate more houses and many have settled down the hill and even started a new settlement of Sibuluh.
Bahasa Malaysia: Grogo

Kupuo' Gumbank

English: a remote Bidayuh village located in the upper reaches of Pidie' River - This group of people along with those from Tilingguos and Padank Pan migrated from a village on the other side of the Bengoh Mountain Range. Some are said to have come from Indonesia to join their relatives there. They speak the Biatah dialect called Maan. Not too long ago, the Krokong Bidayuh villagers downstream viewed them as rather primitive and alien due to limited contact. With the advent of good road accessibility, more contacts among them have somehow diminished this perception and they were accepted as equal to the other Bidayuhs. Besides, the road brings many utilities and facilities to help improve their lives. Today, they can speak both the Maan and the Jagoi dialects.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Gumbang

Kupuo' Jugant

English: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau, Malaysia - It is a settlement not far from Tibowang Souh, one of the earliest Bidayuh village in Bau and is also home for the first Bidayuh woman Olympian, Pandalela Rinong who won a bronze medal for Malaysia in 2012 Olympics in London.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Jugan

Kupuo' Kaman

English: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong district of Bau, Sarawak - The villagers of this settlement came from Blinggink. One of the original settlers had the aspiration of becoming the new headman of Blinggink when the post was left vacant but was denied by his fellow villagers. He managed to persuade a number of families to move with him to a new settlement called Minyowan but the government considered it as a pelamam or farm dwelling and was still part of Blinggink. However, as soon as the number of dwellings reached the minimum requirement of 20, the authorities granted it the status of a village with its own headman. The majority of the inhabitants belong to the Seventh Day Adventist church unlike their relatives in Blinggink who are mostly Catholics or pagans. They now have their own church built near the village. Their young children go to St. Patrick's primary school in Krokong while the older ones go to Lake Secondary school near Bau. Most of the people farm their own land while a few are employed by the government.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Kaman

Kupuo' Kidowon

English: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong District of Bau - Most of the villagers were originally from Blinggink. Used to be known as Balunk Kidowont, there are now two settlements in this village where one is called Kidowont Atas which is located on top of a hill. Some of the inhabitants have moved down next to the Pidie' River and they are called Kidowont Bawah. The name of the village comes from the word dowont which translates as a leaf. The people who live here are mostly farmers. Their children go to Pedaun Bawah Primary School and may continue on to Lake Secondary School, Bau.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Pedaun

Kupuo' Monggag

English: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong District of Bau - Most of the villagers were originally from Blinggink. It is located on top of a hill and a school called Pedaun Bawah Primary School was built for the village. Like the fate of their relatives in Buta or Bijongon who chose to build on a small hill, expansion of the village was very limited. Soil erosion and landslides has forced most of the inhabitants to move down hill to join their relatives from other nearby villages to a new settlement called Bijuray which is more accessible by road. Only the primary school remain visible on the hill and in operation but a recent landslide has threatened to move the school down the hill as well.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Monggag

Kupuo' Opar

English: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau - This village is a popular tourist attraction famous for its traditional headhouse or baruk and the Gawia Sowa' (harvest festival). Opar used to be the largest Bidayuh settlement before being outpaced by Tongang.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Opar

Kupuo' Padank Pan

English: a remote Bidayuh village located near the Bengoh Mountain Range - This group of people along with those from Tilingguos and Gumbang migrated from a village on the other side of the Bengoh. They speak the Biatah dialect called Maan. Not too long ago, the Bidayuhs downstream viewed them as rather primitive and alien due to limited contact. With the advent of good road accessibility, more contacts among them have somehow created better inter-relationships.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Padang Pan

Kupuo' Pinomu

English: the Bidayuh village of Pinomu in Bau, Malaysia - This is a new settlement started by former inhabitants of Duyoh.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Pinomu

Kupuo' Piros

English: the village of Piros in Bau, Malaysia - One of the villages that started out of a mountain settlement Mount Tra’an in Krokong. The inhabitants were reported to be the last ones to move out of the mountain village to settle closer down in the valley via Sipanyut settlement. The village is sometimes referred to by the older generation of Krokong villagers as Kupuo' Dorod which literally means the mountain village or Kupuo Romin. Some of the inhabitants later moved out to form a village called Batu Spit. A group of new Roman Catholic converts found that they could no longer the pagan rituals moved out and built the settlement called Kupuo Pisa’ today.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Peros

Kupuo' Pisa'

English: the village of Pisa’ in Bau, Malaysia - The inhabitants of this settlement were originally from the mountain village or Kupuo' Dorod or Piros, one of the early settlements of Bidayuhs in the Krokong area. The village took its name from the small bamboo which in Bidayuh is pisa'. The inhabitants built this village after they became Roman Catholics and found themselves at odds with the traditional belief of their ancestors.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Pisa

Kupuo' Podamp

English: a Bidayuh village in the Serembu area of Bau
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampong Podam

Kupuo' Prasuont

English: an early Bidayuh settlement in Krokong - All the inhabitants had left the area to build their homes in villages down in the valley.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Prasuon

Kupuo' Puak

English: the village of Puak in Bau, Malaysia - The inhabitants of this settlement were originally from the mountain village or Kupuo' Dorod, the early settlement of Bidayuhs in the Krokong area. The village took its name from a small river nearby.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Puak

Kupuo' Rabak Rotan

English: a Bidayuh village in Krokong - It was originally part of the old Silingguos village which split into three settlements including Silingguos Nyian and Silingguos Bong.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Rabak Rotan

Kupuo' Rasow

English: the Bidayuh village of Rasow in Bau, Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Rasau

Kupuo' Sibobog

English: the village of Sibobog in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were originally one of the groups that left Kupuo' Jagoi Dorod to find a new place to settle.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Sibobok

Kupuo' Sibuluh

English: the Bidayuh village of Sibuluh in Bau, Malaysia - The first inhabitants were from Kupuo’ Groguo’ about a few kilometers down the road which were unable to accomodate anymore expansion of houses on their small hill. As a result, Kupuo’ Sibuluh is built on lower and flatter ground which can fit more dwellings and even a school called Groguo’ Primary School.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Sibuluh

Kupuo' Silampit

English: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau, Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Selampit

Kupuo' Silasot

English: a Bidayuh village in bau district - It is named by its founding fathers from a fruit called 'lasot' which is the lansium domesticum variety known in Malay as 'langsat'. It is now one of the biggest Jagoi villages in Bau after Tongang and Opar. They were one of the groups that left Tibowang Souh after the old village burnt down to the ground and resettled in this new place.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampong Serasot

Kupuo' Silingguos Bong

English: a Bidayuh village in Krokong - It is actually an extension of the old Silingguous which has split into three villages namely, Silingguos Nyian, Rabak Rotan and Silingguous Bong.
Bahasa Malaysia: Tringgus Bong

Kupuo' Silingguos Nyian

English: a remote Bidayuh village located in the upper reaches of Pidie' River - This group of people along with those from Gumbank and Padang Pan migrated from a village on the other side of the Bengoh Mountain Range. They speak the Biatah dialect called Maan. Not too long ago, the Krokong Bidayuh villagers downstream viewed them as rather primitive and alien due to limited contact. With the advent of good road accessibility, more contacts among them have somehow diminished this perception and they are
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Tringgus Nyian

Kupuo' Silu'

English: the Bidayuh village of Siluk in Bau, Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Siluk

Kupuo' Sipadah

English: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau, Malaysia - It is located next door to Tongang
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Sipadah

Kupuo' Staas

English: the village of Staas in Bau, Malaysia - They were one of the groups that left Kupuo Jagoi Dorod to find a new place to settle. According to locals, there were many ironwood or taas in the area. So, the founding fathers decided to name the village 'Sitaas' where 'si' means the one who is and taas after the wood which today is pronounced as just Staas. There used to be an ironwood left standing at the entrance to the village to remind people of its origin.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Staas

Kupuo' Stukur

English: the Bidayuh village of Stungkor in Bau, Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Stungkor

Kupuo' Stum Muda

English: the Bidayuh village of Stum Muda in Bau, Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Stum Muda

Kupuo' Suba Bandar

English: a Bidayuh village of Suba in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were reported to be former inhabitants of Groguo' who set out to look for more land to cultivate and founded Suba Romin. The villagers began to work on the land surrounding the village and would go up or motak to the galanks or shelters they built on their farm or umoh. They would only come down or moli' to the village for the weekends to get supplies and for the Christians, to go to church. These farm dwellings became more permanent and as the numbers grew, they were referred to as Bitoyaks. Over time, these Bitoyaks grew and were recognized by the authorities as separate villages with their own headman. One of these villages is Suba Bandar.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Suba Bandar

Kupuo' Suba Buant

English: a Bidayuh village of Suba in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were reported to be former inhabitants of Groguo' who set out to look for more land to cultivate and founded Suba Romin. The villagers began to work on the land surrounding the village and would go up or motak to the galanks or shelters they built on their farm or umoh. They would only come down or moli' to the village for the weekends to get supplies and for the Christians, to go to church. These farm dwellings became more permanent and as the numbers grew, they were referred to as Bitoyaks. Over time, these Bitoyaks grew and were recognized by the authorities as separate villages with their own headman. One is called Suba Bandar and this one is called Suba Buan. It has its own primary school called SK Suba Buan and despite its small size, it is recognized by the government as one of the model rural schools for the district. The main challenge for the villagers is that the Pidie' River often overflows its banks and floods the low lying areas of the village cutting it off from the main road.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Suba Buan

Kupuo' Suba Romin

English: a Bidayuh village of Suba in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were reported to be former inhabitants of Groguo' who set out to look for more land to cultivate and founded Suba Romin. The villagers began to work on the land surrounding the village and would go up or motak to the galanks or shelters they built on their farm or umoh. They would only come down or moli' to the village for the weekends to get supplies and for the Christians, to go to church. These farm dwellings became more permanent and as the numbers grew, they were referred to as Bitoyaks. Over time, these Bitoyaks grew and were recognized by the authorities as separate villages with their own headman called Suba Buan and Suba Bandar.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Suba Bau

Kupuo' Tongang

English: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau, Malaysia - It is the largest Bidayuh settlement to date.
Bahasa Malaysia: Stengang


English: a waist
Bahasa Malaysia: pinggang

Kupuo’ Sinaan

English: the village of Senaan in Bau, Malaysia - The inhabitants of this new settlement were originally from Kupuo' Bijongon on the hill nearby. The village took its name from a rapid in the river of Aank Pidie’ upstream from the settlement.
Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Senaan


English: Kuching
Bahasa Malaysia: Kuching


English: a baby
Bahasa Malaysia: bayi


English: a lipstick
Bahasa Malaysia: lipstik


English: a puppy
Bahasa Malaysia: anak anjing


English: a crab
Bahasa Malaysia: ketam


English: a Bidayuh food item of minced cucumber flesh mixed with shrimp paste chilli sauce
Bahasa Malaysia: makanan timun yang isinya dicicah halus dan dicampur dengan sambal belacan


English: a pepper vine
Bahasa Malaysia: lada


English: a platform usually made of bamboo
Bahasa Malaysia: pelantar


English: a small bench or chopping block
Bahasa Malaysia: bangku atau kayu untuk memotong


English: a blanket
Bahasa Malaysia: selimut


English: lallang
Bahasa Malaysia: lalang


English: a cockroach
Bahasa Malaysia: lipas


English: twigs
Bahasa Malaysia: ranting


English: a Bidayuh dance
Bahasa Malaysia: tarian Bidayuh


English: a lamp
Bahasa Malaysia: lampu

lapu kadis

English: a small kerosene lamp made of aluminium
Bahasa Malaysia: lampu minyak

lapu tanduk

English: an oil head lamp
Bahasa Malaysia: lampu minyak yang diikat di kepala untuk membuat kerja waktu malam di luar rumah

lapu telenk

English: bronze lamp usually used for night hunting
Bahasa Malaysia: lampu tembaga untuk berburu waktu malam


English: a lansium fruit
Bahasa Malaysia: langsat


English: long beans
Bahasa Malaysia: kacang panjang


English: the public
Bahasa Malaysia: orang awam


English: the sea
Bahasa Malaysia: laut


English: an eagle
Bahasa Malaysia: helang


English: a lizard
Bahasa Malaysia: cicak kubing


English: sweet rice in banana leaves and bamboo
Bahasa Malaysia: lemang


English: a lawn
Bahasa Malaysia: halaman


English: five
Bahasa Malaysia: lima


English: a river leech
Bahasa Malaysia: lintah


English: a water leech
Bahasa Malaysia: lintah


English: a leech
Bahasa Malaysia: pacat


English: a tiger
Bahasa Malaysia: harimau


English: an orange
Bahasa Malaysia: limau


English: a scorpion
Bahasa Malaysia: kala jengking


English: a centipede
Bahasa Malaysia: lipan


English: a butterfly
Bahasa Malaysia: rama rama


English: a fruit garden - It is usually far from the village.
Bahasa Malaysia: kebun buah-buahan


English: a wooden mortar
Bahasa Malaysia: lesung


English: ginger
Bahasa Malaysia: halia


English: ginger
Bahasa Malaysia: halia


English: a field
Bahasa Malaysia: padang


English: a thorn
Bahasa Malaysia: duri


English: fat
Bahasa Malaysia: lemak


English: the sky
Bahasa Malaysia: langit

lori tupunk

English: a pickup truck
Bahasa Malaysia: trak pikap


English: a large worm
Bahasa Malaysia: cacing besar


English: saliva
Bahasa Malaysia: air lior


English: the posterior end
Bahasa Malaysia: burit


English: Lundu
Bahasa Malaysia: Lundu


English: a tall grass
Bahasa Malaysia: rumput tinggi


English: a seed
Bahasa Malaysia: biji


English: dad, a short variation of sama' or father
Bahasa Malaysia: abah


English: a relative
Bahasa Malaysia: saudara mara


English: a bowl
Bahasa Malaysia: mangkuk


English: a bird
Bahasa Malaysia: burung


English: a mangosteen
Bahasa Malaysia: buah manggis


English: gold
Bahasa Malaysia: emas


English: a table
Bahasa Malaysia: meja


English: a fever
Bahasa Malaysia: demam


English: eight
Bahasa Malaysia: lapan


English: a tiny bird species
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis burung yang sangat kecil


English: empty rice grain
Bahasa Malaysia: padi tanpa isi


English: bump
Bahasa Malaysia: bonggol


English: ghost
Bahasa Malaysia: hantu


English: a fox
Bahasa Malaysia: musang


English: a sour fruit
Bahasa Malaysia: buah asam


English: a jack fruit
Bahasa Malaysia: nangka


English: a pineapple
Bahasa Malaysia: nenas


English: one
Bahasa Malaysia: satu


English: mum, mom, short form of mother
Bahasa Malaysia: mak


English: night
Bahasa Malaysia: malam


English: a tree - Its wood makes excellent firewood and is highly valued by Bidayuhs.
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis pokok baik untuk dijadikan kayu api

Ngilonyan Pak Tanjong

English: a cave near the summit of Mount Sipingient - According to legend, a man by the name of Pak Tanjong was captured by a genie who lived in this cave.
Bahasa Malaysia: gua di atas gunung Sipingien


English: a cat
Bahasa Malaysia: kuching

nguguoh (a ceremony)

English: a ritual offering
Bahasa Malaysia: upacara penyembahan


English: evening
Bahasa Malaysia: petang


English: that over there
Bahasa Malaysia: itu


English: a long time ago
Bahasa Malaysia: pada zaman lalu


English: older aunt (father's or mother's older sister)
Bahasa Malaysia: emak saudara


English: six
Bahasa Malaysia: enam


English: people
Bahasa Malaysia: orang


English: a mark
Bahasa Malaysia: kesan

nyok po'ont

English: a footprint
Bahasa Malaysia: kesan tapak kaki


English: an old man
Bahasa Malaysia: orang tua


English: a lock
Bahasa Malaysia: kunci


English: a mist
Bahasa Malaysia: kabus


English: an island of trees in a secondary forest left fallow for a number of years before it is made into a swidden again for planting hill paddy
Bahasa Malaysia: tanah simpanan untuk penanaman padi bukit


English: a large gong - This is part of an ensemble of the Bidayuh gong music. There are usually two oguonks in an ensemble but sometimes there are three.
Bahasa Malaysia: gong


English: junks or Chinese sailing ships
Bahasa Malaysia: kapal layar China


English: a road or street
Bahasa Malaysia: jalan


English: a measuring basket used for barter trading - The ombunk is the biggest measuring basket of the Bidayuhs whereas the pasu is the smallest. In the mid range is the prasank and the gatank. Usually, a 2 1/2 ombunks is equal to 1 sajuo, a backpacking basket for carrying paddy.
Bahasa Malaysia: bakul besar


English: an offspring, a child
Bahasa Malaysia: anak

ondak akat

English: adopted child
Bahasa Malaysia: anak angkat

ondak kitonk

English: a doll
Bahasa Malaysia: anak patung

ondak opank

English: an illegitimate child
Bahasa Malaysia: anak luar nikah


English: descendants; all generations starting from one’s own children
Bahasa Malaysia: keturunan bermula dari anak


English: children
Bahasa Malaysia: kanak-kanak


English: an illness
Bahasa Malaysia: penyakit

ondu jawa'

English: daylight
Bahasa Malaysia: siang hari

ondu minggu

English: Sunday
Bahasa Malaysia: hari minggu


English: measure of land size of about 3 acres
Bahasa Malaysia: satu tebasan


English: a packed lunch
Bahasa Malaysia: bekal


English: a cage
Bahasa Malaysia: kandang


English: a rice offering wrapped in leaf
Bahasa Malaysia: persembahan nasi yang dibungkus dalam daun


English: a cut piece
Bahasa Malaysia: sekerat


English: a fire
Bahasa Malaysia: api


English: a caterpillar
Bahasa Malaysia: ulat bulu


English: scar, cicatrice
Bahasa Malaysia: parut


English: a forehead
Bahasa Malaysia: dahi


English: a worm
Bahasa Malaysia: ulat


English: a boat
Bahasa Malaysia: perahu


English: a red ant
Bahasa Malaysia: kerengga


English: a lung
Bahasa Malaysia: paru paru


English: a bridge handrail
Bahasa Malaysia: alang


English: a liver
Bahasa Malaysia: hati


English: a sifting basket
Bahasa Malaysia: bekas ayakan


English: a monkey
Bahasa Malaysia: monyet


English: a pig - As a versatile word in this dialect of Bidayuh, oyuo' can be used to express connotative meanings where a certain pitch or tone will convey a specific meaning. A mid level tone is the denotative meaning of the word. A high pitch tone on the word is used to show annoyance like in English when someone is bothering us and then we say "What?" A slow deliberate articulation of the word with a low tone usually means "I'm not impressed" or "That's rubbish!" A sing song tone is usually used to tease or annoy someone using the word.
Bahasa Malaysia: babi


English: a river fish
Bahasa Malaysia: ikan sungai


English: wages
Bahasa Malaysia: upah


English: thrifty
Bahasa Malaysia: berjimat-cermat


English: a Bidayuh delicacy
Bahasa Malaysia: makanan orang Bidayuh


English: a cheek
Bahasa Malaysia: pipi

Panglima Sabo

English: a legendary Bidayuh figure - This man had 12 children but all of them were females. The other villagers were not too happy with them because only Sabo could help the community in communal work like planting padi, hunting and fishing as these jobs required males. However, due to his numerous children, he often got the biggest share of the catch. After some time, the villagers conspired and managed to chase Sabo and his family away to live by themselves on the Sibogu’ mountain. One day, the enemies came to attack the village but the villagers persuaded them to attack the Sabo family instead. They told the enemies that there were plenty of women for them to steal up on Sibogu' mountain. However, a kind relative told Sabo about this and warned him that the enemies were coming after them. Sabo prepared for battle by sharpening many bamboo poles into stakes that he stuck in the ground covered with fallen leaves as booby traps near the enemies camp. While the enemies were still sleeping, he surprised them with shouts and a lot of noise which the enemies thought were reinforcement coming to fight them off. They all ran helter-skelter in all directions escaping from unseen attackers. As a result, all of them died after having fallen onto the bamboo stakes that Sabo had planted earlier. The next day, Sabo then tricked the villagers into paying a visit to his house by sending a message that he was injured. When the villagers arrived, they saw the many heads that Sabo had collected from the fallen enemies. From that day on wards, he was called Panglima Sabo for his craftiness in defeating the enemies.
Bahasa Malaysia: Dlagenda Bidayuh Panglina Sabo

Panglima Sikupit

English: Sikupit the Warrior - This was a legendary Bidayuh warrior named Panglima Sikupit who used to live on the Sipingient mountain settlement. He was reported to have magical powers that made him very strong and invisible to enemies' eyes. He was also said to have left his heel mark on a rock called Batuh Sinja halfway up the Sipingient Mountain. Legend has it that Panglima Sikupit fought enemies on the rock alongside another very strong warrior named Sipangam. In the story, Sikupit jumped from the side of the mountain onto the Sinja Rock as soon as he heard sounds of approaching enemies. He landed on the rock so hard that his heel dug a hole into it. Using the huge boulder as his defensive position, he bombarded his enemies down the mountain side with pieces of rocks that he cut from the rock surface. That is why today you can see a hole that resembles a heel mark on one side of the rock facing downhill as well as cut marks at the top where it is claimed that Panglima Sikupit sharpened his machete to cut the rock into projectiles.
Bahasa Malaysia: Panglima Sikupit

Panglima Sipangam

English: a Bidayuh warrior from Krokong - He fought side by side with the legendary Panglima Sikupit to defend the early Krokong settlement there against marauding enemies. He did not possess any magical powers but he was claimed to have great physical strength to defeat his enemies.
Bahasa Malaysia: Panglima Sipangam


English: curse
Bahasa Malaysia: sumpahan


English: a shoulder
Bahasa Malaysia: bahu


English: a fish
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis ikan


English: a giant snakeheaf
Bahasa Malaysia: haruan tasik


English: a squirrel
Bahasa Malaysia: tupai

pas baai

English: a squirrel species
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis tupai

pas pora'

English: a banded squirrel
Bahasa Malaysia: tupai berjalur


English: a nail
Bahasa Malaysia: paku


English: sand
Bahasa Malaysia: pasir


English: a measuring basket used for barter trading - The pasu is the smallest basket followed by the prasank, the gatank and the ombunk which is the biggest measure.
Bahasa Malaysia: bakul kecil


English: four
Bahasa Malaysia: empat


English: a slingshot
Bahasa Malaysia: lastik


English: a sour fruit
Bahasa Malaysia: buah yang masam


English: a kitchen platform
Bahasa Malaysia: pelantar dapur


English: a mahseer
Bahasa Malaysia: kelah


English: mud
Bahasa Malaysia: paya


English: water
Bahasa Malaysia: air

pi'int botont

English: tears
Bahasa Malaysia: air mata

pi'int manah

English: plain water
Bahasa Malaysia: air tawar


English: a liar
Bahasa Malaysia: menipu


English: a sparrow
Bahasa Malaysia: pipit


English: a window
Bahasa Malaysia: tingkap


English: Pejiru
Bahasa Malaysia: Pekan Pejiru


English: a drum
Bahasa Malaysia: gendang


English: a tree
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis pokok


English: a mouse deer
Bahasa Malaysia: pelanduk


English: a thorny plant common in Borneo secondary forest - The shoots can be eaten and the leaves used as an ingredient in meat fermentation process.
Bahasa Malaysia: akar berduri


English: a dream
Bahasa Malaysia: mimpi


English: travel
Bahasa Malaysia: pengembaraan


English: a crop
Bahasa Malaysia: tanaman


English: a scoffer
Bahasa Malaysia: penghina


English: relatives' children
Bahasa Malaysia: anak buah


English: a siever
Bahasa Malaysia: ayak


English: a plate
Bahasa Malaysia: pinggan


English: saying
Bahasa Malaysia: kata-kata


English: an action
Bahasa Malaysia: perbuatan


English: a coward
Bahasa Malaysia: penakut


English: a person who uses resources wastefully
Bahasa Malaysia: pembazir


English: a pestle - comes with a mortar
Bahasa Malaysia: alu


English: a wasp
Bahasa Malaysia: penyengat


English: a boil (skin disease)
Bahasa Malaysia: bisul


English: a mosquito
Bahasa Malaysia: nyamuk


English: a small thin bamboo called schizostachyum zollingeri - Its small size but with a sturdy stem that can reach to more than 3 meters makes it an ideal fishing pole for the Bidayuh angler. Like other bamboo species, it is useful to Bidayuhs in many other ways.
Bahasa Malaysia: buluh telor


English: a navel
Bahasa Malaysia: pusat


English: a paddy storage container
Bahasa Malaysia: petak padi


English: nine
Bahasa Malaysia: sembilan


English: a chisel
Bahasa Malaysia: pahat


English: paddy
Bahasa Malaysia: padi


English: sweet rice in bamboo - Unlike limang or tiboduk, this sweet rice is cooked in bamboo without banana leaves lining. It is traditionally for ceremonial purposes.
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis lemang dimasak tanpa daun pisang


English: a call
Bahasa Malaysia: panggilan


English: a fern
Bahasa Malaysia: paku pakis

pokuh kubuk

English: a type of edible fern
Bahasa Malaysia: paku uban


English: an insect that secretes a pungent odour when disturbed
Bahasa Malaysia: jenis serangga yang menggunakan bau sebagai pertahanan diri


English: a sea turtle
Bahasa Malaysia: penyu


English: a snakehead fish
Bahasa Malaysia: haruan


English: the other side
Bahasa Malaysia: di seberang

posih ijant

English: a drizzle
Bahasa Malaysia: hujan renyai-renyai


English: a whack
Bahasa Malaysia: pukulan


English: a stink bean
Bahasa Malaysia: petai


English: a chest for storage
Bahasa Malaysia: peti


English: a sting
Bahasa Malaysia: sengat


English: a latex
Bahasa Malaysia: susu getah


English: a pangium edule
Bahasa Malaysia: kepayang


English: a platform on top of a fireplace to store firewood
Bahasa Malaysia: pelantar simpanan kayu api

po’ot jotu’

English: a chisel used to tap rubber
Bahasa Malaysia: pahat getah


English: a small basket - This basket was often used as a measuring instrument to facilitate barter trading. The pasu is the smallest basket followed by the prasank, gatang and the ombunk which is the biggest measure. Back in the day, a prasank of paddy can buy you an adolescent chicken.
Bahasa Malaysia: bakul kecil


English: a bamboo musical instrument
Bahasa Malaysia: ketong


English: a fee
Bahasa Malaysia: pengeras


English: fat
Bahasa Malaysia: lemak

puak oyuo'

English: lard
Bahasa Malaysia: lemak babi


English: can refer to an island or an area depending on context
Bahasa Malaysia: pulau atau pun tempat


English: a tenth
Bahasa Malaysia: puluh


English: sweet rice
Bahasa Malaysia: pulut


English: back
Bahasa Malaysia: belakang


English: a hill
Bahasa Malaysia: bukit


English: a bird
Bahasa Malaysia: punai


English: an odour
Bahasa Malaysia: bau


English: martial art
Bahasa Malaysia: silat


English: a propeller
Bahasa Malaysia: kipas


English: a bamboo species
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis buloh


English: sunshine
Bahasa Malaysia: sinaran matahari


English: a valley
Bahasa Malaysia: lembah


English: a basket
Bahasa Malaysia: raga


English: a stool, a chopping board
Bahasa Malaysia: bangku atau papan pemotong


English: long beans
Bahasa Malaysia: kacang panjang


English: a raft
Bahasa Malaysia: rakit


English: an eclipse
Bahasa Malaysia: gerhana bulan


English: a family
Bahasa Malaysia: keluarga


English: a waterfall
Bahasa Malaysia: air terjun, gaung


English: a tiger
Bahasa Malaysia: harimau


English: a discussion
Bahasa Malaysia: perbualan


English: a village square
Bahasa Malaysia: padang


English: dry season
Bahasa Malaysia: kemarau

romin bori

English: a household
Bahasa Malaysia: rumahtangga


English: dust
Bahasa Malaysia: habuk


English: a ceiling
Bahasa Malaysia: siling


English: foul odour, usually related to dirtiness e.g. smell of mud left in a house after flood
Bahasa Malaysia: bau hapak


English: a tree with purple flowers
Bahasa Malaysia: pokok berbunga ungu


English: a seed
Bahasa Malaysia: biji

ruwank botont

English: an eye ball
Bahasa Malaysia: biji mata


English: a long pole used to push boat in shallow waters
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu panjang untuk meluncur perahu


English: a chillie
Bahasa Malaysia: cabai

saank manduk

English: red hot chilli
Bahasa Malaysia: cabai pedas


English: a hole in the river bank caused by erosion
Bahasa Malaysia: lubang di tebing sungai


English: steps carved out of a hillside to climb upwards
Bahasa Malaysia: tangga


English: sago
Bahasa Malaysia: sagu


English: a tall rattan backpacking basket usually used for carrying and storing paddy - It has a cover called a subuoi.
Bahasa Malaysia: bakul atau tambok rotan tinggi untuk memikul padi


English: a cup
Bahasa Malaysia: cangkir


English: crazy one
Bahasa Malaysia: orang gila


English: a hoe
Bahasa Malaysia: cangkul


English: a father
Bahasa Malaysia: bapa


English: a paste
Bahasa Malaysia: sambal


English: a basket bigger than silopid
Bahasa Malaysia: tambok


English: a shallow jar
Bahasa Malaysia: tempayan lebar


English: a mini gong - Part of an ensemble of Bidayuh gong music, there are usually a pair of them to play.
Bahasa Malaysia: canang


English: a spade
Bahasa Malaysia: sekop


English: a small machete
Bahasa Malaysia: sandong


English: a hornbill
Bahasa Malaysia: enggang


English: a leaf for making ponchos
Bahasa Malaysia: daun


English: a box
Bahasa Malaysia: kotak


English: a dipper
Bahasa Malaysia: gayung


English: a piece of zinc roofing
Bahasa Malaysia: atap zink


English: a toad
Bahasa Malaysia: katak kodok


English: a shadow
Bahasa Malaysia: bayangan


English: a very big and tall rattan backpack - Unlike the sajuo, only the strongest and biggest Bidayuh can carry this backpack. It is tall like the sajuo but wider in girth.
Bahasa Malaysia: tambok yang paling besar


English: a type of Borneo sucker fish
Bahasa Malaysia: ikan sungai


English: a type of Borneo sucker fish
Bahasa Malaysia: ikan sungai


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: katak


English: a jungle millipede
Bahasa Malaysia: gonggok


English: an older sibling
Bahasa Malaysia: abang/kakak

sikiye' sudi'

English: siblings
Bahasa Malaysia: adik-beradik


English: a pair of tongs
Bahasa Malaysia: penyepit


English: a mangosteen
Bahasa Malaysia: manggis


English: a bird - Even to this day, some Bidayuhs say that this bird is actually a ghost in disguise.
Bahasa Malaysia: burung hantu orang Bidayuh


English: an elbow
Bahasa Malaysia: siku


English: a cane
Bahasa Malaysia: tongkat


English: torchlight
Bahasa Malaysia: lampu suluh


English: a big backpacking basket made of rattan - Unlike the tall and slimmer sajuo, the silopid is shorter but wider in girth and it has a built in pair of shoulder straps which the sajuo doesn’t have.
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis tambok yang besar


English: a musical instrument made of bamboo - A good player of this instrument can produce a music of a whole Bidayuh gong ensemble
Bahasa Malaysia: alat musik dari buluh


English: a firewood
Bahasa Malaysia: kayu api


English: a rasbora fish
Bahasa Malaysia: seluang


English: a ploiarium alternifolium tree - It's one of the hardwood that the Bidayuhs use for building purposes.
Bahasa Malaysia: jungir


English: a very long rattan basket
Bahasa Malaysia: tambok yang panjang


English: a nail
Bahasa Malaysia: kuku


English: a whistle
Bahasa Malaysia: siulan


English: an anus
Bahasa Malaysia: dubur


English: a soul
Bahasa Malaysia: semangat


English: ten
Bahasa Malaysia: sepuluh


English: a rain drift
Bahasa Malaysia: tempias


English: a stone mortar
Bahasa Malaysia: lepa


English: a knife
Bahasa Malaysia: pisau


English: a mother
Bahasa Malaysia: emak


English: a wall
Bahasa Malaysia: dinding


English: a comb
Bahasa Malaysia: sikat

singang singung

English: a giant millipede
Bahasa Malaysia: gonggok


English: a Bidayuh dialect in Bau, Malaysia - This dialect is spoken by a group of Bidayuhs in Bau collectively referred to as the Bisinggai. Intelligibility between the Singgai and the Jagoi varieties is quite high where many speakers of both dialects can carry a normal conversation using their respective mother tongue. Differences are mainly pronunciations and a number of lexical items.
Bahasa Malaysia: dialek Bidayuh di Bau


English: afternoon
Bahasa Malaysia: tengah hari


English: in the evening
Bahasa Malaysia: petang


English: morning
Bahasa Malaysia: pagi


English: a blowpipe
Bahasa Malaysia: sumpitan


English: chin
Bahasa Malaysia: dagu


English: a spear
Bahasa Malaysia: serampang


English: Serian - name of a place
Bahasa Malaysia: Serian - name of a place


English: a shell
Bahasa Malaysia: cangkerang


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: a needlefish or half beak
Bahasa Malaysia: ikan julong


English: a chicken
Bahasa Malaysia: ayam

siyuok sabunk

English: a rooster
Bahasa Malaysia: ayam sabung

siyuok tik

English: a duck
Bahasa Malaysia: itik


English: a frog - It is usually found near rivers or streams and slightly larger than a girogag and smaller than a tigowan
Bahasa Malaysia: katak


English: a wind
Bahasa Malaysia: angin

sobak ribut

English: a storm
Bahasa Malaysia: ribut


English: a weeded spot
Bahasa Malaysia: kawasan sudah dibuang rumput-rumpai


English: the last time
Bahasa Malaysia: masa yang lepas


English: a chest
Bahasa Malaysia: dada


English: a throw
Bahasa Malaysia: balingan


English: a sago worm
Bahasa Malaysia: ulat sagu


English: a basket trap used to catch fish
Bahasa Malaysia: bakul untuk tangkap ikan

sokuop bonyih

English: a fish trap which is triangular in shape which looks like a bee’s nest, and hence the name
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis anyaman bakul berbentuk segitiga untuk menangkap ikan

sokuop silink

English: a woven oval basket used as a fish trap
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis anyaman untuk tangkap ikan yang berbentuk bujur


English: a nest
Bahasa Malaysia: sarang

solint manduk

English: a bird's nest
Bahasa Malaysia: sarang burung

solint toka’

English: a cobweb
Bahasa Malaysia: sarang labah labah


English: an eel
Bahasa Malaysia: belut


English: an older uncle (father's or mother's older brother)
Bahasa Malaysia: bapa saudara


English: a bamboo cup
Bahasa Malaysia: cangkir buluh


English: a moustache
Bahasa Malaysia: misai


English: a large fern
Bahasa Malaysia: pohon paku yang besar


English: a spoon
Bahasa Malaysia: sudu

sonduk kuduos

English: a ladle
Bahasa Malaysia: sendok

sopa' (noun)

English: a cut
Bahasa Malaysia: potongan


English: thigh
Bahasa Malaysia: peha


English: lemon grass
Bahasa Malaysia: serai

sorai bimbant

English: a mint plant of Borneo
Bahasa Malaysia: pudina

sot kupuonk

English: a belt
Bahasa Malaysia: tali pinggang

sowa' ba'uh

English: a new year
Bahasa Malaysia: tahun baru

sowa' diyo'

English: last year
Bahasa Malaysia: tahun lepas


English: a bird
Bahasa Malaysia: burung


English: a wife
Bahasa Malaysia: isteri


English: a flowering
Bahasa Malaysia: putik

subi ji'it

English: an ant of the Monomorium Pharaonis species
Bahasa Malaysia: semut gatal

subi podos

English: fire ant
Bahasa Malaysia: semut api


English: a rattan basket used as a cover for the sajuo - Once the rattan backpack called sajuo is filled with paddy, the subuoi is tied on top of the opening to secure the content from falling out.
Bahasa Malaysia: penutup sajuo


English: a kingfisher
Bahasa Malaysia: burung cekakak


English: a younger sibling
Bahasa Malaysia: adik


English: a scoop
Bahasa Malaysia: pencedok


English: a wok
Bahasa Malaysia: kuali


English: a spoon to take rice
Bahasa Malaysia: sudu nasi


English: 1. corner 2. elbow 3. a grandchild
Bahasa Malaysia: 1. bucu, sudut 2. siku 3. cucu

sukunt borak

English: great great grandchild, great great grandchildren

sukunt siit

English: great grandchild, great grandchildren
Bahasa Malaysia: cucu-cicit


English: sweet rice wrapped in manah leaf
Bahasa Malaysia: nasi pulut bungkus dalam daun kelupis


English: a wick
Bahasa Malaysia: sumbu


English: a grandmother
Bahasa Malaysia: nenek


English: yesterday
Bahasa Malaysia: kelmarin


English: a river
Bahasa Malaysia: sungai


English: a gong - It is part of an ensemble in the Bidayuh traditional music.
Bahasa Malaysia: tawak


English: a cave
Bahasa Malaysia: gua


English: haft or a handle of a knife, an axe or a spear
Bahasa Malaysia: hulu pisau, parang, dsb


English: an iron wood called belian
Bahasa Malaysia: belian


English: Taiton
Bahasa Malaysia: Taiton


English: a weeding knife
Bahasa Malaysia: pemotong rumput - bekong


English: three
Bahasa Malaysia: tiga


English: soil
Bahasa Malaysia: tanah

tana' rumbak

English: a landslide
Bahasa Malaysia: tanah runtuh


English: a dance
Bahasa Malaysia: tarian


English: a horn
Bahasa Malaysia: tandok


English: a winnowing basket
Bahasa Malaysia: tapan


English: droplets
Bahasa Malaysia: titisan


English: a loin cloth
Bahasa Malaysia: cawat


English: fishing with a short stout fishing pole left overnight
Bahasa Malaysia: tajur


English: a tin container
Bahasa Malaysia: bekas tin


English: tobacco
Bahasa Malaysia: tembakau


English: a door
Bahasa Malaysia: pintu


English: a constipation
Bahasa Malaysia: sembelit


English: a small species of jackfruit
Bahasa Malaysia: cempedak


English: sticky rice cooked in bamboo - Sticky rice is first pounded into powder before it is poured into bamboo with the inside lined with banana leaves. It is cooked on a wood fire. This sticky rice delicacy is usually very sweet.
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis lemang kegemaran orang Bidayuh


English: a kind of bird


English: an empty land after harvest
Bahasa Malaysia: tanah kosong


English: an abandoned settlement
Bahasa Malaysia: kampung lama yang sudah kosong


English: a bridge - The Bidayuhs often build suspension bridges across rivers and streams with bamboo and rattan using tall trees as support. This helped them get across even when the river swells to the highest level each rainy season and sometimes overflowing their banks.
Bahasa Malaysia: jambatan


English: a lie
Bahasa Malaysia: tipu


English: a house lizard
Bahasa Malaysia: cicak

tie' jo'

English: in future
Bahasa Malaysia: masa depan

tie' pagi

English: tomorrow
Bahasa Malaysia: besok

tie' sodi’

English: the next time
Bahasa Malaysia: masa yang akan datang


English: a heel
Bahasa Malaysia: tumit


English: a calf
Bahasa Malaysia: betis


English: a large frog
Bahasa Malaysia: katak besar


English: a top or terminal end of a plant
Bahasa Malaysia: pucuk


English: a type of meat dish that is pickled - Popular among Bidayuhs are fish and wild boar meat pickle.
Bahasa Malaysia: kasam


English: a skull
Bahasa Malaysia: tengkorak


English: a rhinocerous hornbill
Bahasa Malaysia: enggang


English: a chicken coop
Bahasa Malaysia: sangkar ayam


English: a pitcher plant
Bahasa Malaysia: periuk kera


English: a finger
Bahasa Malaysia: jari

tilinju' po'ont

English: a toe
Bahasa Malaysia: jari kaki


English: a snake palm called salacca zalacca
Bahasa Malaysia: salak pondoh


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: cumcumbers
Bahasa Malaysia: timun


English: a fern called stenochlaena palustris
Bahasa Malaysia: paku miding


English: a plate made of sago plant
Bahasa Malaysia: pinggan upih sagu


English: a rhizomatous plant of the amomum lappaceum species
Bahasa Malaysia: tepus


English: a hat
Bahasa Malaysia: topi terendak


English: a split bamboo of the 'toling' variety - It is a material for making floors and walls of a Bidayuh house
Bahasa Malaysia: buluh betong yang sudah ditetak untuk dijadikan dinding dan lantai


English: a group of people normally found in the interior of Bau district
Bahasa Malaysia: sekumpulan orang yang menduduki kawasan di pedamalaman daerah Bau


English: a termite
Bahasa Malaysia: anai anai


English: a lighter
Bahasa Malaysia: pemetik api


English: a brinjal - /tɪjᴜŋk/
Bahasa Malaysia: terung

tiyunk daya'

English: a Borneo sour eggplant (Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal) which turns yellow when ripe
Bahasa Malaysia: terung dayak, terung asam


English: a stomach
Bahasa Malaysia: perut


English: a stump
Bahasa Malaysia: tunggul


English: a fermentation - It usually refers to fermented meat or fish.
Bahasa Malaysia: pekasam daging


English: Tebang
Bahasa Malaysia: Pengkalan Tebang


English: a riverside and seaside
Bahasa Malaysia: tebing


English: an area that is cut for planting
Bahasa Malaysia: tebasan


English: a sugar cane
Bahasa Malaysia: tebu


English: a corpse
Bahasa Malaysia: mayat


English: bean sprouts
Bahasa Malaysia: taugeh


English: spider
Bahasa Malaysia: labah labah


English: a frog
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis katak


English: a shopowner
Bahasa Malaysia: tuan punyai kedai


English: an excrement
Bahasa Malaysia: tahi


English: a large bamboo called the gigantochloa levis - A very useful plant to a Bidayuh community where the bamboo trunk can be used to make poles for a hut, a suspension bridge, or even a tall ladder to reach bird's nests in high interiors of caves. When it is split open and flattened, it is used to make floors and walls of houses.
Bahasa Malaysia: buluh betong


English: a string
Bahasa Malaysia: tali


English: telephone
Bahasa Malaysia: telefon


English: a jungle
Bahasa Malaysia: hutan


English: a deep end of stream, river or seaside
Bahasa Malaysia: lubuk


English: a sojourner
Bahasa Malaysia: perantau


English: an earthworm
Bahasa Malaysia: cacing tanah


English: a stem or tree trunk
Bahasa Malaysia: batang


English: a porch - It used to be a long verandah made of bamboo poles that stretches from one end of a Bidayuh longhouse to the other. Nowadays, it can still be found on some single family dwellings and it functions much like in the old days where it is used to dry padi, pepper or other things placed on the kasah or a rattan mat. In cool and dry evenings, the tonju is used as a place to congregate with family and neighbors to share stories and gossips.
Bahasa Malaysia: beranda


English: a cape or promontory
Bahasa Malaysia: tanjung


English: a place
Bahasa Malaysia: tempat


English: God
Bahasa Malaysia: Tuhan


English: a tropical fruit called baccaurea macrocarp - Its thick rind becomes reddish brown when it is ripe and the flesh inside is yellow which is soft and sweet. The Bidayuh people make a potent fermented drink called tuak topui or tampoi wine from this fruit.
Bahasa Malaysia: tampoi paya


English: a cut mark
Bahasa Malaysia: kesan tetak


English: a wound
Bahasa Malaysia: luka


English: a leaf
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis daun


English: a garden
Bahasa Malaysia: ladang

trokant oyuo'

English: a pig's mud bath
Bahasa Malaysia: kubang babi


English: a jungle
Bahasa Malaysia: hutan belantara


English: a curse
Bahasa Malaysia: tulah


English: boiled rice
Bahasa Malaysia: nasi

tubi' jaliak

English: porridge
Bahasa Malaysia: nasi bubur


English: a poisonous plant called derris elliptica
Bahasa Malaysia: tuba


English: a pile
Bahasa Malaysia: longgokan


English: a stand for cooking
Bahasa Malaysia: kaki dapur


English: a beak
Bahasa Malaysia: patok


English: a hammer
Bahasa Malaysia: tukol


English: a fly
Bahasa Malaysia: lalat


English: bone
Bahasa Malaysia: tulang


English: an egg
Bahasa Malaysia: telur

tuluop ngalom

English: in the middle of the night
Bahasa Malaysia: tengah malam


English: an orphan
Bahasa Malaysia: anak yatim


English: Tondong
Bahasa Malaysia: Tondong


English: a neck
Bahasa Malaysia: tengkok


English: a ladder - A traditional Bidayuh ladder is a simple affair of a piece of ironwood log cut at regular intervals to create steps. For a novice climber, it requires careful steps but Bidayuh children of old could run up and down these steps without missing a bit.
Bahasa Malaysia: tangga


English: a yam like plant only found on tropical mountain side - /tᴜŋᴜɔn/ Bidayuhs eat the young leaves raw dipped in shrimp paste sauce.
Bahasa Malaysia: daun keladi gunung


English: a variety of light wood - /tᴜnᴜɔŋ/ Its bark is often used to make ropes and the trunk is light enough to float for making rafts.
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis kayu ringan


English: grass
Bahasa Malaysia: rumput


English: father or mother in-law
Bahasa Malaysia: mertua


English: uncle/aunt
Bahasa Malaysia: bapa/emak saudara


English: a rice wine
Bahasa Malaysia: air ragi

tuwak tobuh

English: a potent wine made from sugar cane
Bahasa Malaysia: tuak tebu

tuwak topui

English: a wine made from the tropical fruit baccaurea macrocarpa
Bahasa Malaysia: air tuak tampoi


English: a westerner or white people
Bahasa Malaysia: orang putih


English: a belian pole used to support pepper vines
Bahasa Malaysia: tiang lada


English: a flood
Bahasa Malaysia: banjir


English: a medicine
Bahasa Malaysia: obat


English: a cigarette
Bahasa Malaysia: rokok


English: a spit
Bahasa Malaysia: ludah


English: a tail
Bahasa Malaysia: ekor


English: a whirlpool
Bahasa Malaysia: pusaran air


English: rubbish/trash
Bahasa Malaysia: sampah


English: tumeric
Bahasa Malaysia: kunyit


English: a soft shoot of plants
Bahasa Malaysia: umbut


English: a bamboo shoot
Bahasa Malaysia: rebung


English: a padi field
Bahasa Malaysia: huma


English: a foot print
Bahasa Malaysia: kesan tapak kaki


English: Dried up latex of rubber that sticks to the channel of the rubber tree that is cut out to funnel the latex to the collection cup. It can be collected and sold.
Bahasa Malaysia: Hasil getah yang melekat di atas kesan torehan. Boleh dikutip dan dijual.


English: vomit
Bahasa Malaysia: muntah


English: a profit
Bahasa Malaysia: untung

uunt ondu

English: midday
Bahasa Malaysia: tengah hari


English: a rattan vine also called calamus pilosellus - /ᴜwɪ/ It is a spiny, evergreen, climbing palm which can reached heights of 10 metres or more. This is a very useful plant to the Bidayuh people. Depending on their size, length, flexibility, and toughness, the canes from this plant are used to make furniture, mats, wicker baskets, fishing instruments and more. When stripped, they can be used for all kinds of binding purposes. However, when they are twisted together, they make very strong cables.
Bahasa Malaysia: rotan


English: a pangolin
Bahasa Malaysia: pangolin


English: a baby swinging cradle made from a sarong
Bahasa Malaysia: hayunan bayi


English: uncle or aunt
Bahasa Malaysia: mak atau bapa saudara