Romin Bori

English: (noun) a household

Bahasa Malaysia: rumahtangga

Source: Jecky Misieng

Related to Romin Bori

aank bori: inside a house

bori: a house

bori bak jorak: a traditional Bidayuh dwelling

bori botank: a longhouse

bori galank: a hut

boris: a priestess - Bidayuhs of old would consult a boris to get relief from their ailments. During a gawai or gawia occasion, a group of boris will sit on a swing to sing ritualistic songs to the call the spirits and consult for advice

Kupuo' Suba Romin: a Bidayuh village of Suba in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were reported to be former inhabitants of Groguo' who set out to look for more land to cultivate and founded Suba Romin. The villagers began to work on the land surrounding the village and would go up or motak to the galanks or shelters they built on their farm or umoh. They would only come down or moli' to the village for the weekends to get supplies and for the Christians, to go to church. These farm dwellings became more permanent and as the numbers grew, they were referred to as Bitoyaks. Over time, these Bitoyaks grew and were recognized by the authorities as separate villages with their own headman called Suba Buan and Suba Bandar.