Kupuo' Suba Buant

English: (noun) a Bidayuh village of Suba in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were reported to be former inhabitants of Groguo' who set out to look for more land to cultivate and founded Suba Romin. The villagers began to work on the land surrounding the village and would go up or motak to the galanks or shelters they built on their farm or umoh. They would only come down or moli' to the village for the weekends to get supplies and for the Christians, to go to church. These farm dwellings became more permanent and as the numbers grew, they were referred to as Bitoyaks. Over time, these Bitoyaks grew and were recognized by the authorities as separate villages with their own headman. One is called Suba Bandar and this one is called Suba Buan. It has its own primary school called SK Suba Buan and despite its small size, it is recognized by the government as one of the model rural schools for the district. The main challenge for the villagers is that the Pidie' River often overflows its banks and floods the low lying areas of the village cutting it off from the main road.

Bahasa Malaysia: Kampung Suba Buan

Pronunciation: /sᴜba bᴜwant/

Source: Jecky Misieng

Related to Kupuo' Suba Buant

kupuo': a village

Kupuo' Apar: a Bidayuh village in the Singgai area of Bau - It is not to be confused with the Jagoi village of Opar.

Kupuo' Batu Spit: the village of Batu Spit in Bau, Malaysia - The village is located a few minutes away from the old bazaar of Krokong on the way from Bau. Halfway between the village and Krokong is a rocky outcrop that has been blasted by bombs to make way for the road but the opening is still narrow. The word narrow in Malay is 'sempit' which the Bidayuhs pronounce as 'supit'. So, when they named the village after this narrow gap, it is called Batu Supit or Spit (in actual speech). The first inhabitants were actually from Piros, an older village closer to Mount Tra’an where the first Bidayuh settlement was located in Krokong.

Kupuo' Bijongon: a bidayuh village in the Krokong area of Bau - It used to be known as Buta' which is also the word for blind but the elders thought of giving it a nicer name based on the words 'jongon' meaning bright and they agreed on Bijongon. The inhabitants are all descendants of people who used to dwell along with their siblings in the original Blinggink village or bowank along the Pidie' River. The village is located on Punggu Buta or Buta Hill not far from the old longhouse. There is very limited space for expansion on top of the hill and as demands for more dwellings increased, a number of families have returned to build their houses near the old longhouse and is now becoming a new village. The primary occupation of the villagers is still farming with many employed by SALCRA but some like their ancestors are good at building houses and would often find employment at construction sites in towns. Their children go to St. Patrick primary school in Krokong and continue their secondary education at Lake secondary school in Bau. These people are predominantly Catholic and they are members of the St. Patrick's Catholic church in Krokong.

Kupuo' Bijuray: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong District of Bau - Most of the inhabitants were originally from the hill settlement of Monggag who left it because of road inaccessibility and danger of landslides. They were joined by their relatives from other villages nearby to form this new settlement and like them, they are all descendants of the Bidayuhs from Blinggink. It is called Bijuray because the word translates as 'working together' to show unity and it was officially opened by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. The people are mostly Catholics and Seventh Day Adventists and each have their own church not far from the village. They are predominantly farmers by profession with some working for the oil palm plantation owned by SALCRA. Some have opened up their own business there helping provide employment for their relatives. Their children join their cousins from Kidowont to go to school at SK Pedaun Bawah.

Kupuo' Blinggink: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong area of Bau - It is erroneously recorded as Belimbing in official documents. The ancestors of the present day inhabitants came from Bung Bratak in the Jagoi area of Bau and finally built a longhouse along the Pidie' River not far from the present location. After three devastating fires that destroyed their longhouse, many of the people relocated to the site near the meeting of the Goru' and Minyowan rivers. Many families decided on separate dwellings instead of rebuilding a longhouse. As a result, in the 1970's there was only one longhouse which had only three family units in it housing the former headman and his children while surrounded by his people in a number of single family dwellings. Some other families moved further away and built other settlements. Those that remain near the old longhouse built their houses on a hill nearby. Some people claim that the name comes from the word bilingieng (shiny) while another says it is a plant named linggink which used to be in abundance near the riverbank of Pidie' river nearby. Today, the short longhouse of the 1970's has either separated into single family dwellings or their inhabitants moved away to build another settlement. The people are mostly farmers with a few government servants and a handful running their own business. Many are members of the St. Patrick's Catholic church in Krokong while a number of families belong to the Seventh Day Adventist church near the village. There is a surau in the village which serves a few Moslem families there. There are also still quite a number of villagers who want to continue their ancestor's pagan practices and this effort was lead by the former Sarawak assistant minister, the late Dr. Patau Rubis, a Bidayuh from this village. He was the founder and first president of State Reform Party (STAR). Just before his demise, he built a small baruk or head-house in his residence in the village.

Kupuo' Bogag: a Bidayuh village in the Bau Jagoi area - They were one of the groups that left Tibowang Souh after the old village burnt down to the ground and resettled in this new place.

Kupuo' Bokah: the Bidayuh village of Bokah in Bau, Malaysia - The word bokah in Bidayuh Jagoi means a creeper

Kupuo' Bowank: the village of Bowang in Bau, Malaysia - The name of the village comes from the word 'tibowank' which means a vacant Bidayuh village. Its inhabitants left the settlement to settle in other parts of Bau after it was burnt down not too long ago. A new village that stands there today took the official name of Tembawang Sauh which in Bidayuh is Tibowank Souh or 'burnt old village'.

Kupuo' Dorod Jagoi: Mount Jagoi Village - It was one of the first Bidayuh dwellings in Bau just like Bung Bratak. There is only one inhabitant left in the village which is located not far from the summit of the mountain after most of the inhabitants moved closer to the road in the valley below. It is now a Bidayuh heritage site and the whole mountain area is declared a park where visitors can climb and enjoy the view as well as study the flora and fauna of the region.

Kupuo' Duyuoh: the village of Duyoh in Bau, Malaysia - They were one of the last groups that left Jagoi Dorod village to find a new place to settle. Today the Duyoh village is found at the foot of the southern side of the Jagoi mountain. The entrance of the Bung Jagoi Heritage Center which is located in the old Jagoi Dorod village can be accessed via this village.

Kupuo' Groguo': a Bidayuh village not far from Bau town - Not far from Mount Orad, the villagers are descendants of Panglima Kurow, the famous Bidayuh warrior who left Bung Bratak after it was destroyed by marauding enemies. He used Mount Orad as a shelter until hostilities ceased. His followers built settlements nearby including Groguo’ which is located on a hill like many typical Bidayuh villages of the early years. Today, the village can no longer accomodate more houses and many have settled down the hill and even started a new settlement of Sibuluh.

Kupuo' Gumbank: a remote Bidayuh village located in the upper reaches of Pidie' River - This group of people along with those from Tilingguos and Padank Pan migrated from a village on the other side of the Bengoh Mountain Range. Some are said to have come from Indonesia to join their relatives there. They speak the Biatah dialect called Maan. Not too long ago, the Krokong Bidayuh villagers downstream viewed them as rather primitive and alien due to limited contact. With the advent of good road accessibility, more contacts among them have somehow diminished this perception and they were accepted as equal to the other Bidayuhs. Besides, the road brings many utilities and facilities to help improve their lives. Today, they can speak both the Maan and the Jagoi dialects.

Kupuo' Jugant: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau, Malaysia - It is a settlement not far from Tibowang Souh, one of the earliest Bidayuh village in Bau and is also home for the first Bidayuh woman Olympian, Pandalela Rinong who won a bronze medal for Malaysia in 2012 Olympics in London.

Kupuo' Kaman: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong district of Bau, Sarawak - The villagers of this settlement came from Blinggink. One of the original settlers had the aspiration of becoming the new headman of Blinggink when the post was left vacant but was denied by his fellow villagers. He managed to persuade a number of families to move with him to a new settlement called Minyowan but the government considered it as a pelamam or farm dwelling and was still part of Blinggink. However, as soon as the number of dwellings reached the minimum requirement of 20, the authorities granted it the status of a village with its own headman. The majority of the inhabitants belong to the Seventh Day Adventist church unlike their relatives in Blinggink who are mostly Catholics or pagans. They now have their own church built near the village. Their young children go to St. Patrick's primary school in Krokong while the older ones go to Lake Secondary school near Bau. Most of the people farm their own land while a few are employed by the government.

Kupuo' Kidowon: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong District of Bau - Most of the villagers were originally from Blinggink. Used to be known as Balunk Kidowont, there are now two settlements in this village where one is called Kidowont Atas which is located on top of a hill. Some of the inhabitants have moved down next to the Pidie' River and they are called Kidowont Bawah. The name of the village comes from the word dowont which translates as a leaf. The people who live here are mostly farmers. Their children go to Pedaun Bawah Primary School and may continue on to Lake Secondary School, Bau.

Kupuo' Monggag: a Bidayuh village in the Krokong District of Bau - Most of the villagers were originally from Blinggink. It is located on top of a hill and a school called Pedaun Bawah Primary School was built for the village. Like the fate of their relatives in Buta or Bijongon who chose to build on a small hill, expansion of the village was very limited. Soil erosion and landslides has forced most of the inhabitants to move down hill to join their relatives from other nearby villages to a new settlement called Bijuray which is more accessible by road. Only the primary school remain visible on the hill and in operation but a recent landslide has threatened to move the school down the hill as well.

Kupuo' Opar: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau - This village is a popular tourist attraction famous for its traditional headhouse or baruk and the Gawia Sowa' (harvest festival). Opar used to be the largest Bidayuh settlement before being outpaced by Tongang.

Kupuo' Padank Pan: a remote Bidayuh village located near the Bengoh Mountain Range - This group of people along with those from Tilingguos and Gumbang migrated from a village on the other side of the Bengoh. They speak the Biatah dialect called Maan. Not too long ago, the Bidayuhs downstream viewed them as rather primitive and alien due to limited contact. With the advent of good road accessibility, more contacts among them have somehow created better inter-relationships.

Kupuo' Pinomu: the Bidayuh village of Pinomu in Bau, Malaysia - This is a new settlement started by former inhabitants of Duyoh.

Kupuo' Piros: the village of Piros in Bau, Malaysia - One of the villages that started out of a mountain settlement Mount Tra’an in Krokong. The inhabitants were reported to be the last ones to move out of the mountain village to settle closer down in the valley via Sipanyut settlement. The village is sometimes referred to by the older generation of Krokong villagers as Kupuo' Dorod which literally means the mountain village or Kupuo Romin. Some of the inhabitants later moved out to form a village called Batu Spit. A group of new Roman Catholic converts found that they could no longer the pagan rituals moved out and built the settlement called Kupuo Pisa’ today.

Kupuo' Pisa': the village of Pisa’ in Bau, Malaysia - The inhabitants of this settlement were originally from the mountain village or Kupuo' Dorod or Piros, one of the early settlements of Bidayuhs in the Krokong area. The village took its name from the small bamboo which in Bidayuh is pisa'. The inhabitants built this village after they became Roman Catholics and found themselves at odds with the traditional belief of their ancestors.

Kupuo' Podamp: a Bidayuh village in the Serembu area of Bau

Kupuo' Prasuont: an early Bidayuh settlement in Krokong - All the inhabitants had left the area to build their homes in villages down in the valley.

Kupuo' Puak: the village of Puak in Bau, Malaysia - The inhabitants of this settlement were originally from the mountain village or Kupuo' Dorod, the early settlement of Bidayuhs in the Krokong area. The village took its name from a small river nearby.

Kupuo' Rabak Rotan: a Bidayuh village in Krokong - It was originally part of the old Silingguos village which split into three settlements including Silingguos Nyian and Silingguos Bong.

Kupuo' Rasow: the Bidayuh village of Rasow in Bau, Malaysia

Kupuo' Sibobog: the village of Sibobog in Bau, Malaysia - The people of this village were originally one of the groups that left Kupuo' Jagoi Dorod to find a new place to settle.

Kupuo' Sibuluh: the Bidayuh village of Sibuluh in Bau, Malaysia - The first inhabitants were from Kupuo’ Groguo’ about a few kilometers down the road which were unable to accomodate anymore expansion of houses on their small hill. As a result, Kupuo’ Sibuluh is built on lower and flatter ground which can fit more dwellings and even a school called Groguo’ Primary School.

Kupuo' Silampit: a Bidayuh village in the Jagoi area of Bau, Malaysia