Ondak Akat

English: (noun) adopted child

Bahasa Malaysia: anak angkat

Source: Jecky Misieng

Related to Ondak Akat

akat: a platform - This platform is a raised portion of the wall like a window seat that doubles as a sitting place during the day and a bed at night. The kombant or convertible roof is usually built above it to become a window to allow air to come in and cool the house during the day when you nukunk the kombant or raise it with a piece of wood. At night, the window is lowered to close the window. This kombant is call kombant bak kaa'os.

akat bujang: puberty

ondak: an offspring, a child

ondak kitonk: a doll

ondak opank: an illegitimate child

ondakopot: children

ondak-sukunt: descendants; all generations starting from one’s own children