English: chopped; minced
English: to travel down river
English: material, such as sticks and stones, used to dam a stream or river
Bahasa Malaysia: empangan
English: fight or squabble over ownership of something
English: soap
Bahasa Malaysia: sabun
English: quick, quickly
Bahasa Malaysia: cepat, laju,
English: a lover, paramour
Bahasa Malaysia: pekasih
English: digging implement with long wooden handle and sharp, flat metal base; hoe
Bahasa Malaysia: cangkul
English: wrong
Bahasa Malaysia: salah
English: bua' sala'
English: taking refuge, receiving sympathy
English: menses, menstruation
Bahasa Malaysia: haid
English: shirt
Bahasa Malaysia: baju
English: musical instrument, three stringed
English: which?, which one?
Bahasa Malaysia: yang mana?
English: inability to see in the dark, night blindness
English: to bend, to be humble
English: knot in a string; string with knots for keeping track of time
English: by oneself, on one's own
English: was one's face
English: song on a hero's exploits, adventures
English: watering, tears welling in the eyes
English: container made from leaf
English: discussion
English: any spear made of wood or bamboo
Bahasa Malaysia: lembing yang diperbuat daripada kayu atau buluh
English: ribs
Bahasa Malaysia: tulang rusuk
English: ? weak and thin because of sickness
English: spear made of wood or bamboo
Bahasa Malaysia: senjatayang perbuat daripada kayu atau buluh yang dibalingkan; lembing;
English: eaves of the longhouse roof
English: proud
English: to remember, recall, recollect
Bahasa Malaysia: ingat, ingat kembali
English: a type of bird, Olive-Backed woodpecker
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis burung
English: hand held net with handle
English: bamboo for drying fish
English: generic name for snake
Bahasa Malaysia: ular
English: float
English: tin can
English: shotgun
Bahasa Malaysia: senapang
English: to shed, of a snake shedding its old skin
English: bamboo nose flute
Bahasa Malaysia: seruling diperbuat drp buluh (ditiup oleh hidung)
English: buffalo dipping itself into mud
English: lower part of the leg to the outside of the shin bone (considered esp.
vulnerable to attack in a fight)
English: was locked by
English: trousers
Bahasa Malaysia: seluar
English: lie down
Bahasa Malaysia: baring
English: to lie down, be in a lying down position
English: to slide (as children sliding down a hillside)
English: general condition of surroundings
English: to dirty oneself
English: bladder, balloon
English: lead (metal)
English: dirge, mourning, crying over a dead person
English: intestines (small) of animals
English: rice cakes made by boiling rice wrapped in leaves, usually "isip" leaves
English: was swept
English: to block
English: was closed, was covered
English: called
English: was attracted or led on by
English: to fight over something, ownership (e.g. a child)
English: head strap used when carrying baskets
English: catfish
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis ikan keli (ikan sembilang)
English: was managed by sby after much effort
English: right side, the right
English: was dug up by
English: betel quid
Bahasa Malaysia: sentil pinang
English: a type of bird, Black Wood partridge
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis burung
English: beaviour
Bahasa Malaysia: perangai
English: appearance
Bahasa Malaysia: wajah
English: Heaven
Bahasa Malaysia: syurga
English: was seen or looked at by
Bahasa Malaysia: penglihatan
English: few
Bahasa Malaysia: sedikit
English: red, orange
Bahasa Malaysia: merah, jingga
English: was watered by
English: was paid by
English: was pierced by, was stabbed by
English: was cut down by
English: plants
Bahasa Malaysia:
to plant
sibu mikat, valuable plants
English: a parish of the SIB church
English: was left behind by
English: giant squirrel
English: tobacco
Bahasa Malaysia: tembakau
English: initiative, diligent
English: was looked for by
English: water melon
Bahasa Malaysia: tembikai
English: was knocked from below, eg of a punch, uppercut
English: was hurled or thrown by
English: string used to hold up swimming trunks, etc
Bahasa Malaysia: tali digunakan untuk mengikat seluar dsb
English: was swalloed by
English: cross eyed
English: shiny, of the surface of a lake, table, etc.
Bahasa Malaysia: berkilau
English: stood over someone with legs wide apart
English: was clumped together by
English: was crooned to by ?
English: was used to make echos , of a thing
English: cucumber
Bahasa Malaysia: timun
English: mother
Bahasa Malaysia: emak, ibu
English: intestines, guts
Bahasa Malaysia: usus
English: already placed or hung on a hook
English: dammed, held back
English: was put on by
English: was worked with an adze by
English: licked
English: the air was pumped by
English: claimed and taken away, was kidnapped by, eloped with
English: was treated with medicine by
English: usual form of address to mother whose eldest child is male
English: was heaped or piled up by
English: was warmed/heated by
English: was sharpened by
English: was hoed by
English: was put into a cage by
English: female (animals), female pig, sow
Bahasa Malaysia: betina
English: was boiled/cooked by
English: clothed
English: winnowed
English: a type of rice prepartion, cooked in da'un isip
English: was done by, was put or placed by
English: was covered by
English: was covered with a mat or sheet
English: that one
English: title for a married women; equivalent of `Mrs'
English: was scratched by
English: was woven by
English: constriction, narrowing
English: was shaken by
English: was stepped on by
English: was heard by, was listened to by
English: was bathed by
English: was discussed by
English: finger ring
Bahasa Malaysia: cincin
English: was sucked by
English: was set down by
English: to stone, hit with a heavy object
English: made enough
English: bereaved, widowhood
English: was shone by
English: roasted, was roasted in leaves
English: happy; successful, as a wealthy man or student in school
English: was roasted by
English: the rope from bark fiber was made by
English: was commanded by, was ordered by
English: drumstick, thigh of cooked chicken
English: = 10 ngurek (cf Lian pp130)
English: rice that is already on the `iung' and in the process of being pounded
English: shot with a blowpipe
English: a type of bird, Malaysian Treepie
Bahasa Malaysia: sejenis burung
English: straight, upright (indefinitely long)
English: made up e.g. of a story, i.e. fiction
English: tapering
Bahasa Malaysia: runcing
English: ring (to place on finger)
Bahasa Malaysia: cincin
English: was cut into chops by
English: large biting insect
English: knocked down
English: who, which
English: enough
Bahasa Malaysia: cukup
English: incubus-like spirit believed to visit people at night and to sap their
English: agressive, take advantage, act fast
English: tin can (southern Kel.)
English: letter
Bahasa Malaysia: surat