Dooq Tuih

English: I am fine

Source: Kelabit Portal

Related to Dooq Tuih

Dooq pian kuh neh petulu ngemuh: It’s nice meeting you.

Dooq pian kuh neh petuluh ngemuh: Nice to meet you

Dooq tudo narih: Good bye (to say to the person who stays)

Dooq-dooq lawey narih: Have a pleasant trip

Ken dooq tiko? Kapeh tiko?: How are you

Repet ngemuh dooq udeng ngi Bario: I hope you enjoy your stay in Bario

Uih peh dooq pian kuh neh petulu ngen kiko.: It’s nice meeting you too.

Dooq mayu ain dih terun. Laq keduih ngen idih.: That sounds good. I’ll have that.

Ken dooq tiko beruhmalem kinih?: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

Leng leng dooq main teh nuk kenen ih. Tudaq berey kuh belih dih?: The food was delicious. I’d like bill, please.

Mo, dooq teh. Petulu edto riak pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: Alright. See you tomorrow at 7.15am.

Mo, dooq tuih. Laq tebeyq uih ni’er menu muyuh dih?: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?

Mutuh dooq. Ken inan kedai muneng inih?: Excuse me. Is there a shop near here?

Terima kasih ngemuh. Enun suk leng dooq main edto kinih?: Thank you. What’s today’s special?

Terima kasih ngemuh. Repet ngemuh dooq udeng edto kinih.: Thank you and have a good day.