
English: (affirmative) affirmative, yes

Bahasa Malaysia: ya, au

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Mo

demamo': weeding

letamo: ant home in a tree,(base of)

matamo: to collect little by little

nerimod (ne-rimod): to smile

ngemo (ng-e-mo): to agree

rimod: smile

rimod rimod: always smiling

Mo, dooq teh. Petulu edto riak pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: Alright. See you tomorrow at 7.15am.

Mo, dooq tuih. Laq tebeyq uih ni’er menu muyuh dih?: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?

Mo, nih idih.: Certainly, here you are.