Sapa Nama Kau

English: What is your name? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

Bahasa Malaysia: Siapa nama kamu?

Source: Melayu Sarawak Lingua-Hack Group #2

Related to Sapa Nama Kau

kau: you (informal, singular)

kau empun: your

pa kabar kau?: How are you? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

apa polah kau/kitak/ko?: What are you doing? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

berapa banyak duit kau: How much money do you have?

berapa ekok ikan mok dibeli kau tek: How many fish do you want to buy?

buntuk na perut kau:

kau anak sapa: Whose child are you?

kau atang ari ni?: where are you from?

kenak kau sik molah keja: Why are you not doing your work?

kol berapa kau abis keja: What time do you finish work?

kol berapa kau balit rumah: What time are you going home?

kol berapa kau pegi sekolah: What time are you going to school?

kol berapa kau pegi speta: What time are you going to hospital?

nama kamek: My name is ...

Nama kamek ialah: My name is ..

pahal kau molah giya: Why are you doing that?

sapa: who

sapa nama kitak: What is your name? Used to ask more than one person, or talking to an older person

siney kitak/ko/kau diam?: Where do you live?

siney umah kitak/ko/kau?: Where is your house?