Buntuk Na Perut Kau

Variations: kabong

Bahasa Malaysia: buncit betul perut awak

Related to Buntuk Na Perut Kau

bernapas: to breathe

genang: swimming

manas: angry

menaol: eagle

nait: to raise, eg; salary

nangga: to watch, to see

nanggai: see

nangis: to cry

nangkak: jackfruit

nangkap: to catch

nanyak: to ask

nasik: rice (cooked)

nasik aruk: fried rice

nawar: to offer

nenas: pineapple

panas terit: sunny day

penambang: Small ferry boat, often used to transport people across the Sarawak River in Kuching for a small fare or tambang. Unique for the oars mounted at their front they have become a popular tourist attraction and an icon of Kuching.

renab: rabbit

renah: to live, to stay, to stop

sik pernah: never

Apa nak dipolah: What to do?

berapa rega makanan tok: How much is this food?

kau anak sapa: Whose child are you?

kenak: why

kenak kau sik molah keja: Why are you not doing your work?

Kenak ktk nangis?: Why are you crying?

kenak ktk tetak: Why are you laughing?

kmk nak ke..: I am going to ....

ktk nak ke sine?: Where are you going?

nama kamek: My name is ...