Ngen 1

English: (conjunction) and, with

Bahasa Malaysia: dan, dengan

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


Ara' narih paban ngen nuk midih dih riak.
Do not quarrel with one another over belongings in the future.

Dara' narih ela' aduk-aduk, awe dulun ela' da'et si'er ngen narih.
Don't show off, other people might not like it.

Didtek (sidtek) neh uku' dih ngen batuh.
The dog was struck with a stone.

Dih men ngabuh lem dalem kamih dih ngen abuh tetal dih kenah.
She is making our kitchen floor dusty with the ashes from the hearth.

Doo' natang kamih tamen ieh kadi' ieh na'em kereb nalan ngen kukud nadih neh balun.

Related to Ngen 1

dengen 1: assistance

dengen 2: generic term for otter

dungen (dung-en): adopted

kerebangen: cold (in the nose)

lengen: arm

nengen (ng-dengen): to assist

ngen 2: particle preceding personal names and titles

ngen 3: to

ngena'em (ng-e-na'em): to nullify

ngenep (ng-enep): to catch

ngengat (ng-engat): to gulp for air

ngengep (ng-engep): to keep in the mouth; to kiss

ngenger (ng-enger): to stew or boil

ngenu (ng-enu): to suspect

ngenu': to have sexual intercourse with

ngenu' (ng-kenu'): to have sexual intercourse

ngenung (ng-enung): to take for granted

sangen: menses, menstruation

tebengen: (imperative or non-past passive suffix) cut down

Uih peh dooq pian kuh neh petulu ngen kiko.: It’s nice meeting you too.

ungen: at the start, beginning

ungeng: quiet, speechless

Dooq mayu ain dih terun. Laq keduih ngen idih.: That sounds good. I’ll have that.