
English: grandmother, grandma, granny

Bahasa Malaysia: nenek

Related to Ini

bini: wife

Dini alai bansal nganti bas?: Where is the bus stop?

Dini alai endur makai?: Where is the place to eat?

Dini alai jamban?: Where is the toilet?

inik: grandmother

inik icik: great grandmother, great-great grandmother

Dini: where

dini alai endur tu?: where is this place?

Dini endur nya?: Where is that place?

Dini endur tu?: Where is this place?

Dini nuan diau?: Where do you live?

Dini nuan gawa?: Where do you work?

Dini nuan sekula?: Where do you study?

Dini rumah nuan?: Where is your house?

dini tua makai ?: where we want to eat?

Ka kini nuan?: Where are you going?