Mŭng Sien

English: like that

Bahasa Malaysia: macam itu

Related to Mŭng Sien

mŭng: similar

mŭng gayŭn: just like

mŭng ti: like this

mungah: to unload

mungan: ridge of the house

mungas (Bk.): first to do

mungkar: 1) to ransack 2) to reveal

mungkas: to dismantle

mungku: to tie knot; tie

mungkus: to wrap

mungo': to lop off branches

mungut: to break off tip of young buds

nya bala sien: theirs

pagi sien: day after tomorrow

parang mungan: beam

pimungas: a pioneer

timūnggūn: beautiful

manih amu' mŭng en: Why are you doing that?

mŭng anih: how

mŭng anih amu gati': How did you come here?

mŭng anih ngunah ti': How to do this?