Mŭng Ti

English: like this

Bahasa Malaysia: macam ini

Related to Mŭng Ti

andu ti: today

batŭh andu timpoong: sunset

batūh binti’: fish hook

ginanti: to change

itik: duck

iting biliyung: cyclone

iting buko’: tongue of knife

iti’: now

iti’ nūh: right now

julang timaga: brass tray

kaati’: a joke; teaser

kaati’-kaarih: tease each other

kalimu’o’ tikiyut: kind of pitcher plant

kinaati': to tease

laanting: a raft

lantik: bent due to overweight

maanti: humble oneself

maati': 1) afterwards 2) later

maati'-paagi: next time

manti': a size

manti' anih: how big

matik: 1) to flick 2) to perform ritual chanting

mbŭh ti': after this

minti': to fish

mintih: to pick up one by one

mirati: to understand

mŭng: similar

mŭng gayŭn: just like

mŭng sien: like that

mungah: to unload