Ganan Aku

English: My name is ...

Bahasa Malaysia: Nama saya ....

Source: Borneo Lingua-Hack

Related to Ganan Aku

aakŭp: handful

aku': I, me

dakŭs: dirty

jaku': mine

kaakūh: ticklish

kaakū’: dumb

kinaakūh: to tickle

maaku: to nail

maakul: 1) to put in basket 2) show angry face

maku': to freeze

makŭng: to thicken

mpaakŭb (Sd.): stumble face down

mpakŭt (Sd.): a cobweb

naaku': to admit ones fault

naakuh: to serve to drink

naakŭp: scoop with both hands

nakŭd: to compensate

nakŭn: to have a rest

nakung: curved

nakŭp: to catch

nakŭs: 1) to make dirty 2) to defile

ngaakŭh: to tickle

ngaakŭp: to scoop

nya' jaku': mine

nyakŭh: to climb

nyakuk: to sob

nyakut: 1) to dress up infant 2) to gather something by lifting four corners of mat

paakŭb: stumble face down

pakuh: type of edible fern

pakuh subuk: crunchy type of edible fern