
Dialect(s): Woq Helaq

English: yes

Bahasa Indonesia: iya

Pronunciation: awʔ

Source: Alexander D. Smith

Related to Auq

behauq: bored

dée lebauq: sunrise

ekauq: big

empauq: To pound rice, as when removing the husk

enggauq: two, 2

enggauq hin sewang: twelve

enggauq peleuq: twenty

gauq: The two of us. This is the first-person inclusive dual pronoun. It essentially means "you and I". When speaking about exactly two people, the use of the dual pronoun is required.

helauq: enter

kahgauq: intestinal worms

kegauq: The two of you. This is the second person dual pronoun. It is used when speaking to two people.

lejauq: ginger

lepauq: to forget

mauq: five

mauq: farm, (rice) field

mauq hin sewang: fifteen

mauq peleuq: fifty

mbauq: to open

megauq: First person dual exclusive. Meaning "the two of us but not you". Used when referring to yourself and one other person, excluding the person that you are talking to.

mejauq: rumbia sago (Metroxylon sagu)

menauq: 1) old, of things or objects, 2) long ago

metauq: blind

naék lauq: orphan

negauq: to poison a river or pond with derris root poison.

pauq: snake

pelauq: toothless

petdauq: to meet or find someone or something.

poq kauq: great grandparent

segauq: those two, the two of them

sejauq: salt