Nya Empun

English: (personal pronoun) his, hers

Bahasa Malaysia: dia punya

Source: Melayu Sarawak Lingua-Hack Group #2

Related to Nya Empun

kamek empun: mine

kau empun: your

kenyalang: hornbill

kitak empun: your (formal)

nanyak: to ask

nya: he, she, it

nyaman: delicious

nyambung: to continue

nyapu: to sweep

sidak nya empun: theirs

sidak nya kedirik: themselves

Ulunya: To make friends

berapa banyak duit kau: How much money do you have?

mala jak nya datang akher: He always come late

Ngeleber lemak perut nya: There's excessive fat at his tummy.

Nya sikpat polah kerja ya alu nya nangis: She could not finish the work so she cried.