Mak Nek

English: grandmother

Bahasa Malaysia: nenek

Source: Melayu Sarawak Lingua-Hack Group #1

Related to Mak Nek

kedei makan: restaurant, food place

kinek tok: now

limak: five, 5

makan: eat

make: wear

makei: to use

nekik: to climb, to hike

nerimak: to receive

pak nek: grandfather

temakol: mudskipper

trimak kaseh: thank you

berapa rega makanan tok: How much is this food?

dah makan ka?: Have you eaten?

heng ku tok lamak gilak di laut: I feel dizzy if I spend too long at sea

makan siney?: Where to eat?

mok makan?: want to eat?

Ngeleber lemak perut nya: There's excessive fat at his tummy.