Berapa Rega Sayo Tok

Variations: berapa rega sayo tuk

English: How much is this vegetable?

Bahasa Malaysia: Berapakah harga sayur ini?

Source: Melayu Sarawak Lingua-Hack Group #1

Related to Berapa Rega Sayo Tok

berapa igek: how many (quantity)

berapa banyak duit kau: How much money do you have?

berapa ekok ikan mok dibeli kau tek: How many fish do you want to buy?

berapa rega: how much (currency)

berapa rega baju tok: How much is this shirt?

berapa rega makanan tok: How much is this food?

berapa rega manok tok: How much is this chicken?

kol berapa kau abis keja: What time do you finish work?

kol berapa kau balit rumah: What time are you going home?

kol berapa kau pegi sekolah: What time are you going to school?

kol berapa kau pegi speta: What time are you going to hospital?

kol berapa kedei bukak: What time does the shop open?