
English: (noun) young ripe fruit

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Ure

buren (u-bur-en): praised

burer: wide-open, open-eyed (of the eyes)

mured (em-ured): to spin

mureh: grumble, complain, murmur

mureh (em-ureh): to complain, murmur

ngurek (ng-urek): to measure

repured: crown of the head; the point of the head from which hair from which hair grows out spirally

ured 1: spin

ured 2: to cry until breathless

ureh 1: complaints, murmurings

ureh 2: grains

ureh ureh: complaining, grumbling, murmurring

urek: handspan, the measurement from the tip of the thumb to tip of outstretched forefinger

ureng: nose ring or screw

urep: gum of the sweat bee, used to make machettes

uret: keen, industrious