Upa 1

English: splitting; division, share, slice

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Upa 1

kelupan: forget, forgot

mekupat (ng-pekupat): turn in a contrary manner

mupa: split, divided, shared

ngupa (ng-upa): to split, divide, share

ngupan (ng-upan): to feed poultry or fish

ngupat: to answer, respond to (an accusation, etc)

pekupat: upside down, turned contrary to the way it should be, as a person lying with his head at the foot of the bed

pekupat (pep-kupat): turn each other in a contrary manner ?

pingkupat (p-in-ekupat): was turned in a contrary manner by

upa 2: second level of social stratification among the Kelabit

upa': yam, taro

upan: bait; poultry feed

upat: reply, return