
English: (noun) white ant

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Une

buned: rice flour; powder

bunek: tapioca flour

lemuned: in the middle

lunek: thick, juicy lining inside the seed coat in a jackfruit

muned: straight, correct

muneng: near

nguned (ng-uned): to correct, centre

ngunel (ng-unel): to mistreat, to deal with heavily

nuneb: repair

puneng: headwaters of a river

tunen (itun-en): asked

uned: middle, centre

unel: coercion, mistreatment

uneng: nearness

Inan kedai muneng inih.: Yes. There’s one near here.

Mutuh dooq. Ken inan kedai muneng inih?: Excuse me. Is there a shop near here?