
English: (personal pronoun) I, me

Bahasa Malaysia: saya, aku

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


Bibpa' Supang uih na'eh.
I have just been urinated upon by Supang.

Nih uih ela' ame ngalap kayuh aba.
I am going to fetch some `aba' wood.

Uih naru' ieh.
I'll do it.

Related to Uih

Dooq tuih: I am fine

duih: mine

Let ______ keduih.: I am from _____?

Mudeng ngi ________ uih.: I am staying at ______.

Uih peh dooq pian kuh neh petulu ngen kiko.: It’s nice meeting you too.

Dooq mayu ain dih terun. Laq keduih ngen idih.: That sounds good. I’ll have that.

Ken kereb ko mala kapeh uih mey nangey?: Can you tell me how to get there?

Laq mirup kupi keduih.: Yes, coffee please.

Mo, dooq tuih. Laq tebeyq uih ni’er menu muyuh dih?: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?

Tu’uh tineh. Teminaq uih pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: I agree. I will be ready by 7.15am.