Tulu 2

English: if

Bahasa Malaysia: kalau, jika

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Tulu 2

Dooq pian kuh neh petulu ngemuh: It’s nice meeting you.

Dooq pian kuh neh petuluh ngemuh: Nice to meet you

nulung (ng-tulung): to help, assist

Petulu beruh: See you later

tulu 1: correct

tulud: the act of flying

tulung: help, assistance

Uih peh dooq pian kuh neh petulu ngen kiko.: It’s nice meeting you too.

Mo, dooq teh. Petulu edto riak pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: Alright. See you tomorrow at 7.15am.

Terima kasih. Petulu beruh.: Thanks, bye.