Ngebpa' (ng-ebpa')

English: (Transitive verb with subject = agent)

1) to add water to rice when cooking or to a wet padi field, etc

2) to remove water, as from a pond, so as to catch the fish in it

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


Ame tauh ngabak dalan ebpa' maya' reked dih.
Let's make a canal (water-way) on the slope.

Batuh ineh doo' penaan narih ebpa' dih.
Those stones are good for damming the river.

Muru' bigan suk sinaap uku' dih ngen ebpa' lau'.
Wash the plate that's been licked by the dog with hot water.

Ngalud teh kamih maya' ebpa' inah me la'ud nange malem, kadi' na'em men dalan kuayu inih dih.
We used to boat down the river because there was no road like this in the past.

Patun ineh suk naan ebpa' dih.
That dam held back the water in the river.