
English: (m- prefix (Stative verb or adjective)) clear of tall vegetation

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Mela

mela 1: cleared, of an area of jungle

mela 2: to massage

melad: unwrap (of rice packets), roll down to open up (of mats), open up

melad (ng-belad): to spread open, as linen

melak: caught between two objects

melakut (ng- be-lakut): to pull or bend a branch or bamboo stalk over

melang: to slice a rice cake (nuba' laya') with something

melang (ng-belang): to cut someone

melatu' (ng-belatu'): to reveal, clarify

ngelamud (nge-lamud); melamud (ng-pe-lamud): to mix

pemela: masseur

pemelatu': clarification