
English: slide

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Lud

alud 1: boat, dugout canoe

alud 2: removal

bilud: food deposits on teeth

elud 1: pitfall for catching animals

elud 2: slippery hillside that has been denuded of foliage

ilud: burning with a torch

lalud: powerful, having extraordinary abilities

ludak: mud, dirty

ludan: something spoken of or talked about, gossip

luden: to be carried in a boat ?

luden (ulud-en): is being talked about or told, will talk about or tell

ludu: bua' ludu, flower of bua' sala'

lulud 1: shin

lulud 2: a type of fish

nalud: was removed by, was taken in from the rain

nalud (n-alud): was carried in a boat, boated

ngalud: to take things in from the sun/rain (clothes etc)

ngalud (ng-alud): to carry things in a boat

ngilud (ng-ilud): to scorch (eg bees) with a torch; to singe a pig's skin to remove the hair

nilud: singed

pengalud: object eg. boat used to carry things

selud: to slide (as children sliding down a hillside)

temelud (t-em-ulud): to fly

temulud: to fly, to go up (as an aeroplace)

tulud: the act of flying

ulud: words, tale, story, discussion

ulud ulud: to be in conversation, to chit chat