Lemayuh (l-em-ayuh)

English: (m- prefix (Stative verb or adjective)) to wither (as a plant withering of its own accord)

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


Doo' nagag kuh men bera inih keh, kadi' teh idih doo' na'em mula' ata'.
The rice has been well sifted by me, that'w why there isn't too much unhusked grain.

Doo' natang kamih tamen ieh kadi' ieh na'em kereb nalan ngen kukud nadih neh balun.

Kuman ngae-ngae teh narih, dih teh narih na'em ngager luun epin dih.
Eat slowly so that you don't litter the mat with bits of food.

Ngalud teh kamih maya' ebpa' inah me la'ud nange malem, kadi' na'em men dalan kuayu inih dih.
We used to boat down the river because there was no road like this in the past.

Tu'en narih ngagag dih, dih teh idih na'em mula' ata'. Ngagag bera ngudeh neh iko?
Shift the rice to avoid having too much unhusked grain in it.