Ken Mado Dih?

English: Is it far?

Source: Kelabit Portal


Ame tauh ngabak dalan ebpa' maya' reked dih.
Let's make a canal (water-way) on the slope.

Ara' narih paban ngen nuk midih dih riak.
Do not quarrel with one another over belongings in the future.

Batuh ineh doo' penaan narih ebpa' dih.
Those stones are good for damming the river.

bibpek kuh buned dih,
I've refined the flour

Dara' narih naap bigan ineh, awe dih ela' mala narih manga.
Do not lick the plate, or they will say you are greedy.

Related to Ken Mado Dih?

aken: place used for bathing, washing, collecting water at a river side

beken: other, different, unlike, behaving differently from usual

buken: to be consoled, comforted, persuaded to make up, pacified

buken (mu-buk-en): to be consoled, comforted

bukeng: stunted (of growth)

egkeng: chill, cold

gegkeng 1: lifting (as clouds, or an aeroplane lifting up into the air)

gegkeng 2: be numb with cold

gigkeng: was lifted up by

kekeng: to shrink, as clothing

ken 1: according to (someone or something)

ken 2: particle used to form questions

Ken dooq tiko? Kapeh tiko?: How are you

kenaman: pass out, faint

kenangan: name of a palm

kenen 1: eat (imperative)

kenen 2: to be eaten

kenep: each, every

kenep kenep: every

keniw: generic name for birds of prey; eagle

kenu': sexual intercourse (vulgar)

kesikenen: remember

laken (laak-en): thing cooked

legken: stopped

mado: far, far away

megkeng (em-egkeng): shiver; chilled

menaken: nephew, niece

mukeng (ng-bukeng): to stunt

neken (ng-teken): to pole

ngegkeng (ng-egkeng): 1) to make someone or something chilly, to numb with cold