Iur Iru

English: (reduplicated item) used to describe sby who wants to be behind in his work all the time

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Iur Iru

biruh: appearance, features, outward signs

biruh (be-i-ruh): was made new

birung (be-i-rung): was pushed or shoved

girung: looking or searching for something

irud: was scraped by

irup: what is drunk, way of drinking

iur: tail of an animal

kediur: pout, sulk, sour-faced, pull a long face

miruh (ng-biruh): to beautify

mirup: drink, beverage

mirup (em-irup): to drink

ngeriruh (ng-riruh): to make someone laugh

nirup: was drunk by

pemirup (pemirup): container used to hold something to drink (glass, jar, etc)

periruh: laugh at one another

riniruh (r-in-iruh): was made to laugh by

riruh: to laugh

siru: made up e.g. of a story, i.e. fiction

sirut: tapering

Laq mirup kupi keduih.: Yes, coffee please.