
English: it, thing mentioned; present, available; and

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


belu'en muh kapeh neh idih.
Why do you need to clump the grass?

Beten muh ngudeh neh idih? (Tu'en muh ngabet ngudeh neh idih?)
Why do you have to tie it?

Doo' nagag kuh men bera inih keh, kadi' teh idih doo' na'em mula' ata'.
The rice has been well sifted by me, that'w why there isn't too much unhusked grain.

Ketaag narih beto idih, neh men idih.
If you are able to chop it, it's there for you.

Nih balu' muyuh maya' dalan dih, ara' narih ngabi idih midteh keh.
Here are the provisions for your journey; do not finish them in one go.

Related to Idih

midih: property

Dooq mayu ain dih terun. Laq keduih ngen idih.: That sounds good. I’ll have that.

Mo, nih idih.: Certainly, here you are.