
English: (noun) suspicion; faith, trust, belief

Bahasa Malaysia: syak, kepercayaan

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Enu

benu: suspicious

benul: pushed, forced

berenuan: small kind of bee, usually found in tree hollows, gathers around human urine

betenul: pushed

enu' 1: drain, ditch, trench, canal

enu' 2: sexual act

enub: diving into the water

enuk: which, that which is; term used to refer to object the name of which is not remembered or is not known

enun: what

enung: assumption, taking for granted

genuluh: stalk of riceplant without grain head

kenu': sexual intercourse (vulgar)

kepenub: able to dive

menu: to believe

menu (em-menu): to believe, to have trust in

menu' (ng-penu'): to fill

menu'ut: something used to suck

menub: to dive under water

menul: push something standing upright

menul (ng-benul): 1) to be pushed, forced; 2) to push

nenum: roast by wrapping in leaves and letting food cook in its own juice

ngenu (ng-enu): to suspect

ngenu': to have sexual intercourse with

ngenu' (ng-kenu'): to have sexual intercourse

ngenung (ng-enung): to take for granted

pekenu': to have sexual intercourse with

pekenu' (pep-kenu'): to have sexual relations with another person

pemenub: something to use while diving (mask?)

penu': full, (as a basket or bag)

penube' (p-en-ube'): to be defecated upon (can be either accidentally or on purpose)