Elab 1

English: (noun) the shaking out of a mat or sheet

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Elab 1

elab 2: flipping over to expose, as of a skirt being caught in the wind

kelab: flapping

kelabet: gibbon

lelab: uncovered as of some part of the body, having being pulled back, left uncovered, as of a sheet or clothes

nekelab: flap the wings, as a rooster before crowing

ngelab: apply a poultice

ngelab (ng-elab): to shake out a mat or sheet

ngelaba (ng-laba): to overtake, crosses

ngelabo (ng-labo): to catch mice

ngelelab: to pull back and leave uncovered, of sheets, etc

pelaba: very, extremely, often