Edtang 2

English: (noun) act of hooking or hanging

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Edtang 2

deredtang: epiphytic fern

edtang 1: light, radiance

Hai. Tabiq lekedtang, ngadan kudih ________.: Hello, good morning. My name is __________.

lekedtang: dawn, morning

medtang: 1) bright; 2) hung

ngedtang (ng-edtang): to put something on a hook

ngeredtang (ng-redtang): put branches around the trunk of one's fruit trees when they are bearing, or pile up rubbish in the fork of a branch so that others will not climb the trees to take the fruit

pengedtang: wall hook

redtang: the structure formed by parasitic plants on a tree; a structure built around a fruiting tree to protect it from marauders

tabiq lekedtang: Good morning

Mo, dooq teh. Petulu edto riak pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: Alright. See you tomorrow at 7.15am.

Pukul puluq lekedtang.: It leaves at 10.00am.

Rengaq kineh ih nalan neh tauh let nginih pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: That means we have to leave the lodge by 7.15am.

Tu’uh tineh. Teminaq uih pukul 7.15 lekedtang.: I agree. I will be ready by 7.15am.