
English: (noun) thing given

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Bere

berebpeh: pandan plant

berebpek: pieces of broken stone

berebpit: cursory term used when scolding somebody

berek: domesticated pig

berekuri: bird-scaring device made from bamboo

berene'a: sprawled

berenuan: small kind of bee, usually found in tree hollows, gathers around human urine

berere: jungle swamp with red lateritic soil

beresat 1: scattered

beresat 2: bright (of light)

beret: belt or waistband made of beads

mere (ng-bere): to give

merebpek (ng-berebpek): to break stone into small pieces

pebere (pep-bere): to give to one another, exchange gifts

Leng leng dooq main teh nuk kenen ih. Tudaq berey kuh belih dih?: The food was delicious. I’d like bill, please.