Awa 1

English: (noun) disappointment, regret

Bahasa Malaysia: kekecewaan, kedukaan

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Awa 1

awa: awe, wonder, surprise, disappointment, regret

awa 2: wonder, surprise

awa': waist

awal: reaching out for

awan: wife

awan dela'ih: husband

bawang 1: onion

bawang 2: area, land, settlement, village, town, city, country, community

belawan: iron (metal)

belawang: give birth

dawa': to charge in court, to sue; a libel case

dawan: lamp, (oil, resin); torch

dawar: a call or shout

dawat: ink

gerawat: tangled, complicated

jawa: foreign country

kawan: friend

kawang 1: task ?

kawang 2: gaps or notches cut into ridges, mountain ranges, an ancient practice

kelelawa': spider

mawa: surprised

mawa (m-awa): 1) disappointed, feeling regret; 2) full of wonder, surprise

mawan: seen, visible

mekawang: to cut notches onto ridges, etc

nawan 1: gliding snake

nawan 2: was made visible by

nawar (ng-dawar): to call, shout

ngawal (ng-awal): to reach out to get something

ngawan (ng-mawan): make visible

ngedawa' (ng-dawa'): to sue someone