
English: (noun) shelf built high under roof; small plateau type place on a mountain

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary

Related to Ape

apeh: where, whereabouts

apen: to be taken, got, obtained

apet: undergrowth, tall grass

kapeh: how?

Ken dooq tiko? Kapeh tiko?: How are you

mapet: thick, of undergrowth, hair

mapet (m-apet): thick, (of undergrowth or grass)

Mudeng ngapeh iko ngi Bario?: Where are you staying in Bario?

ngape (ng-ape): to place something on shelf, table

ngapeh: where?

sape: musical instrument, three stringed

sapeh: which?, which one?

senape: rice cakes made by boiling rice wrapped in leaves, usually "isip" leaves

sinape: a type of rice prepartion, cooked in da'un isip

tenapen (te-nap-en): to be winnowed

Ken kereb ko mala kapeh uih mey nangey?: Can you tell me how to get there?

Ngadan kudih _________. Let ngapeh tebeyq kiko?: My name is ______. Where are you from?