Alud 1

English: (noun) boat, dugout canoe

Bahasa Malaysia: perahu

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


Doo' pepabin teh diwah lem alud dih.
They are sitting with one carrying the other on his lap in the boat.

Tu'en narih ngabin iah lem alud dih keh, awe ieh delo tudo sebuleng.
Let him sit on your lap in the boat in case he is not confident to sit by himself.

Related to Alud 1

alud 2: removal

lalud: powerful, having extraordinary abilities

nalud: was removed by, was taken in from the rain

nalud (n-alud): was carried in a boat, boated

ngalud: to take things in from the sun/rain (clothes etc)

ngalud (ng-alud): to carry things in a boat

pengalud: object eg. boat used to carry things