
English: (noun) last one

Bahasa Malaysia: yg akhir

Source: Peter Martin's Kelabit Dictionary


Ame abi-abi tauh lem irau dadih.
Let's all go to their feast.

Related to Abi

abi-abi: all, everyone

abin: lap

abin tesinah: mother's lap

abit: chain

Hai. Tabiq lekedtang, ngadan kudih ________.: Hello, good morning. My name is __________.

kabing: left side,

kekabi: able to finish

labing 1: buttress roots, as the roots of the Casuarina tree

mabi (m-abi): finished, used up

nabin: was carried on lap

nabit: borrowed

ngabi (ng-abi): to finish

ngabin (ng-abin): to carry on lap

ngabit: to borrow

pekabing: on the left side

pekabit: to borrow from each other

pepabin (pep-abin): one carrying another on the lap; cradling each other

tabi': greet, shake hands

tabiq beruhmalem: Good afternoon

tabiq dedtem: 1) Good evening; 2) Good night;

tabiq lekedtang: Good morning

tabir: seat mat used by men (usu made of animal skin, or woven material)

Ma’ih mey lipa kabing suk pu’un ih. Pengeh neh ngesu neh. Lipa pekabin: Take the first left and go straight on. It’s on the left.