Pukul Berapa Nuan Pulai?

English: What time are you going home?

Bahasa Malaysia: Pukul berapa kamu pulang ke rumah?

Source: Borneo Lingua-Hack

Related to Pukul Berapa Nuan Pulai?

Berapa iku anak dik?: How many are your children?

Berapa rega tu?: How much is this?

berapa: How much, how many

Berapa duit nuan bisi?: How much money do you have?

Berapa iko ikan ka dibeli nuan?: How many fish do you want to buy?

Berapa rega manuk tu?: How much is this chicken?

Berapa rega pemakai tu?: How much is this food?

Berapa rega sayur tu?: How much is this vegetable?

pukul berapa diatu?: what is the time now?

Pukul berapa kedai tu buka?: What time does the shop open?

Pukul berapa nuan abis gawa?: What time do you finish work?

Pukul berapa nuan ke ke sepital?: What time are you going to hospital?

Pukul berapa nuan ke sekula?: What time are you going to school?