
English: (adjective) finished

Bahasa Malaysia: habis

Source: Borneo Lingua-Hack

Related to Ubo

kirubong: a hollow

kubo: to finish

lubong: hollow

lubong-lubong: anyhow (speech)

milubong undung: feel proud

mubo: to isolate

mubook: eaten by termite

ngirubok: to smoke bamboo pipe

ngirubong: to make hole

ngkubo: to finish

ngubom: 1) to scold 2) to destroy with bomb

nguboor: to drill

nguboos: to blow air in or out

nuboor: drill

nuboos: 1) to atone 2) to blowing the air into fire

sirubok: bamboo pipe

suboh: confirmed bachelor or spinster

tirubok: type of sea fish

tuboos: atonement

ubo-ubo: all(mainly used with instructions)

ubod-ubod: cloudy day

ubog: dripping (water)

ubog-ubog: dripping

uboh: barren

ubom: 1) bomb 2) abandoned

ubook: drunk

uboor: drill

uboos: bellow