Uba Rimbung

Variations: uba sarab

English: (noun) flash flood

Bahasa Malaysia: banjir kilat

Related to Uba Rimbung

cuba: to try

kalintuban: a bad omen

kubaik: to keep

luba': a radish

lubah: slow

ncuba: 1) to make an attempt 2) tempt; lure

nubai: to gossip

nubar: to put ingredient

pilubah: to slow down

tubang: hole

tubar: ingredient

tubar-tubar: ingredients

uba: flood

ubaan: 1) grey hair 2) widow; widower

ubaang: 1) just as well 2) debris; chip

ubaang sanda’: phrase

ubah: 1) change 2) type of tree

ubal: soft outer part of wood

ubal-ubal: multitude

uban: distracted