
English: (verb) do something abruptly

Bahasa Malaysia: bertindak melulu

Related to Tap

katap: harvesting knife

kilatap: a bamboo split (floor)

kutap: an infant dress for covering stomach

natap: 1) to confirm 2) to confirm (religion)

ngatap: to harvest paddy

ntapih: to splash

tapak-tapak: folding arms on chest

tapal: crush of dirt

tapan: bamboo receptacle with nodes at both ends and with an opening at one end

tapan baru’: bamboo receptacle with opening at one end for washing infant

tapeh: women’s sarong

tapi: shoulder blade

tapud: found

tapung: flour

tapūt: short cut

tatap: 1) permanent 2) certain

tinatap: 1) confirmed 2) confirm

tutap: an infant dress for covering stomach