
English: (adjective) only

Bahasa Malaysia: sahaja

Related to Mah

buran mahi: August

kandūg kumahit: on the left side

kuduh pimahat: what's the weight

kumahit: to the left

lamah: weak, poorly built

lamah lambut: gentle

maha': a hailstone

Mahap: Faint

mahar: expensive

mahas: 1) to honour; respect 2) to enlarge

mahat: to make heavy

mahi: eight, 8

mahit: left

mahu: 1) a storm 2) a sunbeam snake

mahun: 1) scared of height 2) insecure (feeling)

ncaamah: a person of same name

ngimahas: 1) to enlarge 2) egoistic

nyaamah: 1) to bring together 2) to equate

pasid mahu: whirlwind

pimahat: a weight

samah: same

timah: lead

timaha’: envious