Pukor Kudu Ku'u Mead Kereja?

English: What time do you finish work?

Bahasa Malaysia: Pukul berapa kamu balik kerja?

Related to Pukor Kudu Ku'u Mead Kereja?

pukor: time in hour

pukor kudu: what time

kudu: How much, how many

Kudu duit mu?: How much money do you have?

Kudu iken an mu miris?: How many fish do you want to buy?

Kudu rega jipo anŭ?: How much is that shirt?

Kudu rega jipo ati?: How much is this shirt?

Kudu rega kudos ati?: How much is this vegetable?

Kudu rega pinguman ati?: How much is this food?

Kudu rega siyok ati?: How much is this chicken?

Kudu rega sopŭrŭg-i?: How much is it altogether?

Pukor kudu angan rek ke remin birandam?: What time are you going to hospital?

Pukor kudu kede anuk buka?: What time does the shop open?

Pukor kudu ku'u rek mead ke arun?: What time are you going home?

Pukor kudu ku'u rek mun sikura?: What time are you going to school?