Diki Arun Mu?

English: Where is your house?

Bahasa Malaysia: Di manakah rumah kamu?

Related to Diki Arun Mu?

Ani agah mu?: How are you? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

arŭn: house

Ani ndai mu?: What are you doing? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

Asi dun mu?: What is your name? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

Dii dikii ku'uu?: Where are you?

diki: where

Diki ku'u kereja?: Where do you work?

Diki ku'u ruu?: Where do you live?

Diki ku'u sikura?: Where do you study?

Diki tepat anu?: Where is that place?

Diki tepat ati?: Where is this place?

Kudu duit mu?: How much money do you have?

Mani ku'u duh ndai kereja mu?: Why are you not doing your work?

Pukor kudu ku'u rek mead ke arun?: What time are you going home?