
English: forehead

Bahasa Malaysia: dahi

Related to Arŭ

ambuu ngarum: late at night

arud: boat

aruh: pestle

arŭn: house

barŭm: blue, green

barŭm dewŭn: green

barŭm rawut: ocean blue

barŭm rengit: sky blue

bikarut: confused

Buran Taruh: March

duwŭh puru taruh: twenty-three, 23

ngarum: night

ngarum anu: that night

ngarum ati: tonight

pat puru taruh: forty-three, 43

raru: very

simŭng taruh: thirteen, 13

Siramat ngarum: Goodnight

siribuu taruh ratus: thirteen hundred, 1,300

taruh: three, 3

taruh puru: thirty, 30

taruh puru duwŭh: thirty-two, 32

taruh puru ju: thirty-seven, 37

taruh puru mai: thirty-eight, 38

taruh puru ni: thirty-one, 31

taruh puru nŭm: thirty-six, 36

taruh puru pat: thirty-four, 34

taruh puru piri'ii: thirty-nine, 39

taruh puru rimŭh: thirty-five, 35

taruh puru taruh: thirty-three, 33