
English: (verb) to want

Bahasa Malaysia: mahu, hendak

Related to An

aan: an expression of doubt or uncertainty, or to say that you are not sure

aboo yaang: to be startled

agang: handle of an object (eg. pan, pot); unprocessed crop such as paddy

agi anduu: someday, sometime, another time

agong papan darii: wide & shallow gong (larger)

agong papan dayung: wide &shallow gong (smaller)

ajang: offering to appease the evil spirit

Aku ewang ku'u: I love you

anak: child; offspring

anak akat: adopted child

anak ambaa: child from previous marriage

anak anyaa: young child or a teenager

anak apang: illegitimate child

anak ayo’: piglet

anak buran: new moon

anak dari: son

anak dayung: daughter

anak kesong: puppy

anak pira: infant

anak sikura: school children

anak siyok: chick

anak sungi: small stream, tributary

anak tembŭ: the only child in family

anak tiri: step child

anak tirinju: little finger

andat: to catch up (in a race)

andu: day

andu ati: today

andu kerŭm: sunset

andu pimetak: the day one sets out on a journey