Adŭp Mu

English: (personal pronoun) yourself

Bahasa Malaysia: kamu sendiri

Related to Adŭp Mu

adŭp: self, selves

adŭp ku: myself

adŭp mi: ourselves (exclusive of the person you are talking to)

adup ngeraa: themselves, they

adŭp nŭh: oneself

adŭp ta: ourselves (inclusive of the person you are talking to)

adŭp-i: himself, herself

Ani agah mu?: How are you? Informal, used to ask one person, and someone of your age or younger

bigamut: possesed by a spirit (guardian), haunted

Buran Rimŭh: May

Buran Simŭng: October

Buran Simŭng Duwŭh: December

Buran Simŭng Ni: November

duwŭh puru rimŭh: twenty-five, 25

jemu: yours

jemuh reking: sarong

mamuh: to bath, to shower

mu: your

muko: already

mun: like; the same as

mupu: to hit

musam: loofah

musang: civet

pat puru rimŭh: forty-five, 45

pejam mu'og: very quiet

remus: beautiful, pretty

rimu: lime

rimu butan: pomelo

rimu sambar: lime

rimŭh: five, 5