Tubad Nyam Eh

English: serves him/her right

Bahasa Malaysia: rasakan

Pronunciation: /tᴜbad ɲam ɛh/

Source: Jecky Misieng

Related to Tubad Nyam Eh

baangk birieh: a small onion called shallot

baont neh: How true!

birieh: red

birieh paank: red faced

birieh pogiah: deep red

boot boot eh: almost

gotug gotug eh: all quiet by himself

jumieh: dew

kalieh: to dig

keh: question tag - is it?

lawieh: oversized

leh: indeed

neh: question particle

pepeh: flattened

simolieh: to slaughter

supieh: to be left behind

tubad: a curse

umbieh: next door

asi' asi' geh: How annoying!

bah geh leh: That's strange!

Ind eh ndieh: It’s the same

jok komun eh: indeed

jok konyam: old habit

kaki neh?: Where are you going?

mba' koduk eh: don't play with that

mbo' lolah tia tih neh: This is getting wearisome

mbo' ndai mu'u neh?: Have you done it yet?

mokuo' man neh?: Did you eat yet/Have you eaten yet? (commonly used as a form of greeting)

mun ki mun neh?: What does it look like?

ndak kasi' mun neh: Poor him/her